

Infobox River | river_name = Santerno

caption = The Santerno river
origin = Tuscan Apennines, Italy
mouth = Reno River
basin_countries = Italy
length = 27 km
elevation =
discharge = 16 m³/s
watershed = c. 700 km²
The Santerno is a river of Romagna [Although its first kilometers are geographically in the Tuscany region.] , northern Italy, the major tributary of the Reno River. In Roman times it was known as "Vatrenus" (small "Renus"), although in the Tabula Peutingeriana is already mentioned as "Santernus".

It rises near the Futa Pass, at 1,222 m of elevation, in the Apennines ridges facing the plateau of Firenzuola. After Firenzuola it flows in Castel del Rio, where it is crossed by a famous medieval bridge "Ponte degli Alidosi", Fontanelice, Borgo Tossignano, Casalfiumanese and, once in the Pianura Padana (the Po River's valley), Imola. Then it flows into the Reno 7 km from the locality of Bastia.

It is probable that in ancient times the river flowed East of Bagnacavallo, as confirmed be the existence of a "frazione" of Ravenna called Santerno. After Imola, the river divided into two branches, one moving north-est towards Ravenna, the other continuing northwards, until joining the Po. The Ravennate branch disappeared most likely in the 8th century.

Once the late course of the river was modified and protective measures were taken in the 1880s, the Santerno was famous for its floods (14 registered in 1679-1778).


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