- EmailCash
company_name = EmailCash Marketing
company_type =Private company
foundation =Australia (June 1999)
location =Sydney ,Australia
key_people = Bob Cheng (founder andmanaging director )
industry =online marketing
revenue =revenue $5.2 million AUD (2005) [cite web | author=Julia May| title="Playing with the big boys" | publisher=ABIX | year=2005 | url=http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-137636446.html www.highbeam.com]
homepage = [http://www.emailcash.com.au/ www.emailcash.com.au]EmailCash Marketing is an
Australian website run by PermissionCorp, [cite web |title=PermissionCorp | url=http://www.permissioncorp.com/sites/au/ www.permissioncorp.com] with branches for residents of Australia,Taiwan [cite web | author=Julia May| title="Acts of imagination. " | publisher=ABIX | year=2006 | url=http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-152892878.html www.highbeam.com] ,New Zealand (SmileCity) [cite web | author=Reuben Schwarz | title="SmileCity has the numbers" | publisher=Press Display | year=2006 | url=http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/viewer.aspx www.pressdisplay.com] andUnited Kingdom (Rewards Central). The company was founded by Bob Cheng inSydney , Australia in 1999 [cite web |title=Company background | url=http://www.nanyang.com.au/investees/default.htm www.nanyang.com.au] during theDot-com bubble and is a web-based marketing company, it is now the largest online active database in Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan. EmailCash is one of Australia’s fastest growing companies and was ranked 40th in theBusiness Review Weekly 's Fast 100 index for 2004. [cite web | author=The National Business Review| title="Smile, this isn't spam" | publisher=NBR | year=2005 | url=http://www.nbr.co.nz/home/column_article.asp?id=11592&cid=3&cname=Technology www.nbr.co.nz ]Operation
The company is based on a reward program, [cite web | author=Sunday Telegraph (Australia)| title="Rewards are the real deal. " | year=2006 | url=http://alacarte.lexisnexis.com/partners/int/google/landingpage.asp?id=17409013&mtid=1&ws=9j0hDk1UboE=&ws_pub=Sunday%20Telegraph%20(Australia)&ws_date=July%209,%202006&ws_len=383&ws_lni=4KC3-SF90-TX5J-C2Y0-00000-00&ws_lastupdate=20060714&ws_title=Rewards%20are%20the%20real%20deal&ws_refer=http://news.google.com.au/archivesearch?q=%22EmailCash%22&btnG=Search+Archives&hl=en&ned=&ie=UTF-8 Sunday Telegraph website] [cite web | title="Where The Visitors Are Going" | publisher=Herald Sun | year=2004 | url=http://www.newstext.com.au/docs/DHS/2004/get.jsp?docid=DHS-20040121-1-C04-4144644V26@VIC-METRO-2004-2003 www.newstext.com.au] offering members "reward points" that can be exchanged for cash or goods. [cite web | author=Nicole Manktelow| title="Net profits" | publisher=The Age | year=2004 | url=http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/09/22/1095651383025.html www.theage.com.au] The company rewards members when they perform such tasks as completing market research quizzes, entering in promotional competitions, etc.
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