Quarter section

Quarter section

A quarter section, often shortened to quarter, is an area of one-fourth of a square mile, or 160 acres (2.5900 km²). It was a common size of a tract in homesteading in the United States and Canada.

For details on its use, see
*Dominion Land Survey in Canada
*Public Land Survey System in the United States
**Section (United States land surveying)

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  • quarter section — ☆ quarter section n. a unit of land area, equal to one quarter of a square mile or 160 acres (64.752 hectares) …   English World dictionary

  • quarter section — The quarter of a section of land according to the divisions of the government survey, laid off by dividing the section into four equal parts by north and south and east and west lines, and containing 160 acres. A quarter of a square mile of land …   Black's law dictionary

  • quarter section — A square piece of land, one hundred sixty acres in area, constituting one fourth of a section laid out by the government survey, being the Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, or Southwest quarter of such a section. McCartney v Dennison, 101 Cal 252 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • quarter section — noun a land unit equal to a quarter of a section (160 acres) and measuring 1/2 mile on a side • Hypernyms: ↑area unit, ↑square measure …   Useful english dictionary

  • quarter section — noun N. Amer. a quarter of a square mile …   English new terms dictionary

  • quarter section — noun Date: 1804 a tract of land that is half a mile square and contains 160 acres in the United States government system of land surveying …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • quarter section — Western U.S. (in surveying and homesteading) a square tract of land, half a mile on each side, thus containing 1/4 sq. mi. or 160 acres. Abbr.: q.s. [1795 1805, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

  • quarter section — quar′ter sec′tion n. sur dial. (in surveying and homesteading) a square tract of land, half a mile on each side, thus containing ¼ sq. mi. or 160 acres Abbr.: q.s. • Etymology: 1795–1805, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • Section (United States land surveying) — thumb|277px|Sectioning a township.In U.S. land surveying, a section is an area nominally one mile square, containing 640 acres (2.6 km²). Nominally, 36 sections make up a survey township on a rectangular grid. As the townships are based on… …   Wikipedia

  • quarter — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. one fourth; trimester; district, region, direction; lodging, billet; mercy; two bits (inf.). See side, pity, leniency, abode. v. t. quadrisect; divide, cut up; billet, station. See location,… …   English dictionary for students

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