Younoussi Touré

Younoussi Touré

Younoussi Touré (born January 1 1941 [ "Assemblée nationale: AUX COMMANDES ..."] , "L'Essor", n°16042, September 28, 2007 fr.] ) is a Malian politician. He was the Prime Minister from 9 June 1992 to 12 April 1993 and was the first Prime Minister appointed under President Alpha Oumar Konaré. Touré is the President of the Union for the Republic and Democracy (URD) [ [ "INFO MATIN: Présidentielles de 2007, L’Urd officialise son soutien à ATT"] ,, December 4, 2006 fr.] and the First Vice-President of the National Assembly.

Touré was appointed as one of six members of the Commission of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) on January 30 1995. [ [ "Acte additionnel n° 02/1995 portant nomination des membres de la Commission de l'Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)"] ,, January 30, 1995.]

In the July 2007 parliamentary election, he was elected to the National Assembly on a URD list in Niafunké District; the list won 50.16% of the district's vote, making Touré one of thirteen candidates across the country to be elected in the first round. [ [ "LISTES ÉLUES AU PREMIER TOUR"] , "L'Essor", n°15994, July 20, 2007 fr.] He was elected First Vice-President of the National Assembly in September 2007.


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