Astronomy Club, HKUSU

Astronomy Club, HKUSU

Astronomy Club, HKUSU is a non-profit making organization directly under Hong Kong University Students' Union, (HKUSU).


Founded on the 14th January 1959, the Astronomy Club, HKUSU, was the first astronomical organization established in Hong Kong. Throughout these years, the Club has been striving to publicize astronomy to our fellow students and the public through organizing different activities and providing astronomical guidance services. Each year, the numbers of member of the Club reached a number of 500. Many famous figures in the field of Astronomy were once our members or executive committee.


The club holds ten functions or plus for its members each year. Each function is specially designed by the executive committee members and aims at bringing Astronomy in a relaxed manner.

Astronomy Summer Class

Astronomy Summer Class (ASC) is a non-profit making function. It is held in every summer holiday and has a history of 44 years. It aims at promoting the knowledge of astronomy to secondary school students in both theoretical and practical aspects. It receives over a hundred applications every year.

For this year, the Astronomy Summer Class 2008 (ASC 2008) [] included a tea-gathering, five lectures, some mini-talks and workshops, two non-overnight stargazing nights and a 3-day-2-night camp. It was open to third to seventh formers. The Class is an activity which serves as an educational summer program for students. Apart from acquiring knowledge and enjoying themselves through the various activities organized, the participants can also make friends from different schools. Joining this interesting educational activity will definitely broaden their horizon as they can explore a field that they are quite unfamiliar with. This can allow greater interactions between secondary schools and the students of The University of Hong Kong.

Other Functions

The following is a list of functions held during the year.
*Non-overnight Stargazings
*Book Exhibition and Board Display
*Overnight Stargazings
*Information Day
*Tea Gathering
*Orientation Camp
*Junior Astronomy Class


There are two publications in general.

Annual Journal

Annual Journal is an annual publication especially made to allow our members to know more about our club. Not only so, the publication shares knowledge in the field of astronomy and interview of different famous figures in the field or old committee members of the Club.


Astronomer is a periodic publication especially designed to update news of our club and bring knowledge in the field of Astronomy to our members. Although currently, it is done in a monochromatic hard copy format, it is under investigation as to be expanded to electronic format.


The executive committees and active members are named as ACian.

AC 50

AC 50 is a sub-committee of the Astronomy Club, HKUSU. Its establishment is especially for working on the celebration activities for the fiftieth anniversary of Astronomy Club, HKUSU. The committee is composed of members of executive committees of past sessions.

ee also

Astronomy Club, HKUSU: [ Website of Astronomy Club, HKUSU]

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