TVM might be an acronym or abbreviation for:

* Television movie
* The 1996 "Doctor Who" television movie, as it is sometimes referred to by fans.
* Ticket vending machine
* Time value of money
* Track-via-missile, a missile guidance technique.
* Transmission voie-machine, a train control system in use on TGV lines in France and Belgium.
* Trunk Visceral Mesoderm (biol.)
* Tovarna Vozil Maribor, a Slovenian vehicle manufacturer
* The Indian city of Thiruvananthapuram.
* TVM (Malta), the national public television station in Malta.
* Television Maldives, a television station in the Maldives.
* Televisão de Moçambique, the state broadcaster of Mozambique.
* TVM was the name of a Dutch cycling team.
* TVM is Taiwan Video Monitor, a Taiwanese computer monitor company.
* TVM is International Business School of Vilnius University in Lithuania.
* Thank you Very Much
* The Trans-Val-de-Marne bus line, southeast of Paris in the "département" of Val-de-Marne, operated by RATP.
* Team Value management
* The Vagina Monologues, a play by Eve Ensler.
* Transaction Verification Model
* The Value Manager publihsed by The Hong Kong Institute of Value Management
* TVM , the swedish forestlife organisation. Stands for Tre VildmarksMål, Three Targets of Nature

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