SIGNAL Magazine (official publication of AFCEA)

SIGNAL Magazine (official publication of AFCEA)


"SIGNAL" Magazine [ [ SIGNAL Magazine website] ] provides the critical technical communications information needed by defense and government experts and their suppliers. It covers the communications and electronics segments of the defense, government and industry industries. "SIGNAL" Magazine is the official publication of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) [ [ AFCEA website] ] and is published 12 times a year.

The magazine focuses on topical themes each month, but it also includes news and feature information beyond the theme. The articles often evolve from interviews conducted with high ranking military and government officers. Additional content focuses on user and management perspectives. "SIGNAL"’s news coverage strives to provide a balanced look at key issues. The magazine does not adopt editorial stands on political issues or candidates. "SIGNAL" has 100 percent qualified circulation, of which 93.4 percent is paid. The majority of all content is staff written, but freelance submissions are occasionally accepted. "SIGNAL" is the only publication that consistently reaches the AFCEA community each month and that reports on the dynamic interaction of international leadership within AFCEA events. "SIGNAL" Connections [ [ SIGNAL Connections e-newsletter] ] , an e-newsletter, is published monthly as well and complements the coverage in the print magazine. "SIGNAL" also publishes a Source Book directory [ [ Source Book website] ] of leading information technology organizations as well as a Security Directory [ [ Security Directory website] ] of leading companies in the security field.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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