

Hopla is a Flemish-Belgian 3D animation cartoon for toddlers, created by Bert Smets in 1999. [Yahoo Business News, "NCircle Entertainment and Bert Smets Productions Enter Into Expansive Partnership", April 9, 2007, http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/070409/nym008.html?.v=84] The cartoon features the rabbit Hopla and his friends - the pig Onki, the bear Nina, and the kitten Lola. [VRT News, "Hopla" goes to America", March 21, 2007, http://www.flanderninfo.be/cm/flandersnews.be/Flanders+Today/special+reports/070321_Hopla]

In 2000, the show was first aired on Ketnet, a Flemish television channel. Soon afterwards, it became popular. Currently, the show has been aired in 31 countries (such as Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Japan, Poland, and South Korea). It is expected that the show will be aired in the United States soon, as an exclusive multi-year distribution deal between Bert Smets Productions and NCircle Entertainment, a subsidiary of Alliance Entertainment was signed in 2007.

So far, 104 episodes have been produced: there are plans for 26 new titles per year in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. In Belgium alone, Hopla's home, entertainment titles have sold over 300,000 copies and their book-related merchandise has garnered sales close to 700,000.


External links

*Hopla Homepage http://www.hopla.tv/
* [http://www.ncircleentertainment.com/Content.aspx?id=NChopla NCircle Entertainment: Buy Hopla DVDs]

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