CHALET is a mnemonic indicating a protocol used by emergency services to report situations which they may be faced with, especially as it relates to major incidents [] [] [ ] .

CHALET dictates the form in which the receiving control station should get information from the first person or officer on scene. In some jurisdictions, the alternative ETHANE may be used.

It stands for:
*Casualties - Approximate numbers of dead, injured and uninjured
*Hazards - Present and potential
*Access - Best access routes for emergency vehicles, bottlenecks to avoid etc.
*Location - The precise location of the incident
*Emergency - Emergency services already on scene, and what others are required
*Type - Type of Incident, including details of numbers of vehicles, buildings etc. involved

In the event of this being used for a major incident, the reporting first on scene officer would not usually get involved with the rescue work, but act as a co-ordinator on scene for arriving emergency vehicles. This may be achieved by the vehicle being used by the first on scene should leave it's lightbar running, whilst all others should turn theirs off on arrival, to make identifying the incident officer easier.


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