

Infobox Town AT
image_coa = 100px-Tadten.jpg

state = Burgenland
regbzk =
district = Neusiedl am See
population =1291
population_as_of = 2005
population_ref =
pop_dens = 36
area = 36.1
elevation =
postal_code = 7162
area_code =
mayor = Johann Maar
website =


Tadten is a village in the district of Neusiedl am See in Burgenland in Austria.


Tadten is a wine growing village with 1,355 inhabitants and lies at the transition from the Seewinkel region to the Hungarian puszta.

Already 1357 Tadten, then called "Tetun", was mentioned in a conflict of possession by the Raab chapter. The first settlement dates back to the 2nd century BC.

During the centuries the village has been destroyed several times by differnet armies (Turks and Kurruzzen). The inhabitants always rebuilt their village.

In the 17th century Tadten came into the possession of the Esterhazy family. The Roman Catholic church, consecrated to the Archangel Michael, was built in 1804 under count Esterhazy. The church was enlargened in 1954 to its present size.

Since the end of WWII the village has turned into a beautiful, quiet country village with all the infrastructure facilities important for village life: community center, kindergarten, school, fire brigade, ... Football club, tennis club, music groups and theater groups offer interesting events.

120 m Elevation1355 Inhabitants Tadten national park villageThe area south of the village up to the state border at the "Einserkanal" is covered by marshy meadows of the HANSAG - an oasis of peace and quiet.

The protection of the great bustard - at 16kg the heaviest flying bird of the world - a large part of the HANSAG has been turned into a protection zone of the Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel national park.

On the new HANSAG bike trail which takes you through the village this part of the national park can be reached in a few minutes. Lovers of nature will love their stay here due to the great variety of fauna and flora. Especially the mating season of the great bustard is something really special.

Go and discover the countryside around Tadten on well-maintained, level trails past yellow rape and sunflower fields, past fields with red tomatoes and green peppers, past vineyards with green and blue grapes. All this and much more either by foot, by bike or on horses back.

Try local specialties in one of the three inns of the village. Try excellent wines and liquors from the vineyards around Tadten. Fresh and organic vegetables can be bought directly at the farmer.

The village center is a large field. During the last years Tadten could win the flower competition several times. Contact - skip Gemeindeamt Tadten Obere Hauptstraße 1 A- 7162 Tadten, Austria

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