List of Légion d'honneur recipients by name - K

List of Légion d'honneur recipients by name - K

The following people are recipients of the Légion d'honneur.

*Yaşar Kemal (1923-), Turkish novelist
*Tevfik Remzi Kazancıgil, Turkish physician and Professor in Medicine, received the Légion d'honneur on September 14, 1954 [ [ Tarihte Bugün (Today in History)] ]
*Abbas Kiarostami (1940-), Iranian film director, screenwriter, and film producer
*Ralph Klein (1942-), Canadian politician. [CKUA Radio News, March 27, 2008.]
*Jacek Kuroń (1934-2004), Polish historian
*Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998), Japanese film director, producer and screenwriter
*Yevhen Kushnaryov (1951-2007), Ukrainian politician
*M Stephen Kellman (1923-)
*Prince Bojidar Karageorgevitch (1862-1908), Serbian prince
*Mohamed Keyvan (1912-1987), Iranian Civil and Structural Engineer


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