Cabildo de Tenerife

Cabildo de Tenerife

Cabildo de Tenerife is control system of island of Tenerife (Canary). Was constituted 16 of March of 1913 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in a session celebrated in the City council of the city, being chosen as well, the first corporation. The Town hall of Tenerife, like the other Canary town halls of has a series of own competitions gathered in Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands as well as a series of competitions delegated of the other organs of territorial administration.


The first host of the Town hall of Tenerife was the own halls City council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In he himself year of its constitution, it was decided to transfer the seat to a building located in the confluence of Avenue 25 of July and the Numancia Street of the capital tinerfeña. A later transfer took to the dependencies of the Town hall to the Street Alfonso XII (at the moment Street Castle), where] remained until [1928] . In 1940 they concluded works of the present “Insular Palace” in the Seat of Spain of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Building emphasizes by its great tower crowned by a in charge clock in 1950, sounding hourly tajaraste, dances traditional of Tenerife.


According to article 43 of the LRJAPC, are exclusive competitions of the town hall:
*The coordination of the municipal services of the island to guarantee its integral and suitable benefit in the totality of the insular territory, replacing the City councils when the insufficiency of their resources prevents the benefit of the obligatory municipal services or the established public functions in the LBRL.
*The attendance and the legal, economic and technical cooperation to the municipalities, specially to those of smaller economic capacity and management.
*The benefit of services supramunicipal public. to
*Aprobar the Plans Insulares de Obras and Servicios elaborated in collaboration with the City councils of each island. To such aim, the city councils will make the work proposals that affect their municipal term, which they could not be modified by the respective Town hall, safe by just causes and previous hearing of the affected city council.
*The promotion and administration of the peculiar interests of the island. Law 14/1990, of 26 of July, Legal Regime of the Public Administrations of the Canary Islands, transfers to the town halls the following competitions:
* The territorial demarcations, alteration of terms and denomination of the municipalities, previous opinion of the Consultative Council of the Canary Islands. * Own functions of the Agencies of Agrarian Extension.
* Experimental farms.
* Forest services, cattle routes and grass.
* Marine Acuicultura and cultures.
* Protection of environment.
* Management and conservation of protected natural spaces, within the framework of the established thing in the effective autonomic legislation.
* It hunts.
* Rural infrastructure of insular character.
* Subrogación in the municipal competitions on the city-planning planning, of conformity to the established thing in the effective sectorial legislation.
* Highways, except for which they are declared of regional interest, within the framework of which arrange the autonomic sectorial legislation. In the highways of regional interest, the operation, use and defense and sanctioning regime.
* The management of sport ports of refuge and, unless they are declared of regional interest.
* Hydraulic works that are not of regional or general interest, hydraulic work conservation and police and insular terrestrial water administration in the terms that the autonomic sectorial legislation establishes.
* Transports by highway and cable. Railroads, within the framework which it has the autonomic sectorial norm.
* Fairs and markets insulares.
* Police of spectacles.
* Promotion and police of the insular tourism, except for the powers of inspection and sanction.
* Annoying, unhealthy, injurious and dangerous activities.
* Police of house.
* Conservation and administration of the public park of houses.
* Administration of the residences of students established in the island.
* The promotion of the culture, sports, occupation, leisure and relaxation in the insular scope.
* The conservation and administration of the insular historical-artistic patrimony.
* Museums, libraries and archives that do not reserve for himself the Independent Community.
* Promotion of the crafts.
* Social attendance and social services.
* Defense of the consumer.
* Campaigns of zoosanitario cleaning.

internal Organization

The Town hall is made up of the following organs:
* Presidency
* Total
* Advice of Government
* Informative Commissions
* Together of Spokesmen

Current president

Ricardo Melchior Navarro

External links

* [ Insular Town hall of Tenerife]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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