Guy Chevreau

Guy Chevreau

Guy Chevreau, Th.D., is a noted historian and renewal theologian associated with the "Toronto Blessing". He received his TH.D. from Toronto School of Theology with an emphasis in historical theology. From 1994 to 2004 his teaching ministry took him to more than 29 different countries.

The focus of Dr. Chevreau's ministry since 1994 has been upon ministering the Father's love, Christ's empowering grace, life in the Spirit, prayer and intercession, evangelism, and compassion for the poor. He is the author of "Catch the Fire", the first published work to put the "Toronto Blessing" in theological and historical context. Other works published by Dr. Chevreau include "Pray With Fire: Interceding in the Spirit", "Share the Fire: the Toronto Blessing and Grace-Based Evangelism", "We Dance Because We Cannot Fly", "Turnings: the Kingdom of God and the Western World" and "Our eyes fixed on Jesus: a sideways look at spiritual warfare".

The full text of his second book, "Pray with fire" together with extracts from his other works are available on his website: http://catchthefire.caIn recent years Dr. Chevreau has spent much of his time working with Iris Ministries who are based in Mozambique ( and Betel, a ministry working with heroin addicts ( and his two most recent books are about these ministries.

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