

French commune
Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais church as seen from the castle.
arrondissement=Les Andelys
maire= Marcel Larmanou
alt moy=74
alt mini=47
alt maxi=142
date-sans=1999 census

Gisors is a commune in the metropolitan area of Paris, France. It is located 62.9 km. (39.1 miles) northwest from the center of Paris.

Gisors, together with the neighbouring communes of Trie-Château and Trie-la-Ville, form an urban area of 12,669 inhabitants (1999 census). This urban area is a satellite town of Paris.


Gisors is located in the "Vexin normand" region of Normandy at the confluence of the Epte, Troesne and Réveillon rivers .


Gisors is served by Gisors – Embranchement station on the Transilien ParisSaint-Lazare suburban rail line and on regional rail lines.

ites and monuments

*Château de Gisors, built in the 11th century.
*The Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais parish church is an outstanding monument fusing Gothic and Renaissance architecture.
*A field near Gisors was the site of the cutting of the elm. [Bradford Smith, "The Foundations of the West - Course Material", [ Chapter 8 The Age of the Crusades - The Rise of France under Philip Augustus and of St. Louis] Oglethorpe University, Summer 2000.] [Nicholas Vincent, " [ William Marshal, King Henry II and the Honour of Chateauroux] ", in: "Archives: The Journal of the British Record Association" vol. 25, no. 102 (2000).] [" [ A Thirteenth-Century Minstrel's Chronicle, a translation by Robert Levine of the Récits d'un ménestrel de Reims, a thirteenth-century historical fiction] ", Mellen Press, Lewiston, 1990.]


External links

* [ The castle of Gisors ]
* [ Gazetteer Entry]

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