

Tumen or Tümen ("unit of ten thousand"; from Turkic: "tümen" [ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language - [http://www.bartleby.com/61/61/T0256150.html "toman"] ] ; _mn. Түмэн, "Tümen" [Vietze, "Wörterbuch Mongolisch - Deutsch", VEB 1988] ) was a part of the decimal system used by Turkic, Proto-Turkic (such as the Huns) and Mongol peoples to organize their armies. Tumen is an army unit of 10,000 soldiers.

Genghis Khan's organization

In Genghis Khan's military system, a Tumen was recursively built from units of 10 (Arban), 100 (Yaghun), and 1,000 (Minghan), each with a leader reporting to the next higher level. Tumens were considered a practical size, neither too small for an effective campaign nor too big for efficient transport and supply. The military strategy was based on the use of tumens as a useful building block causing reasonable shock and attack. [Corvisier, André. "A Dictionary of Military History and the Art of War". Blackwell Publishing, 1994. [http://books.google.com/books?id=nEQ7FUAdmc8C&pg=PA529&dq=tumen+arban+jaghun+minghan+noyans+genghis+khan&sig=Mc8QQeP-ykgJ7wHqVqIVoBRMctc "page 529"] ]

In modern armies

Tümen is a military unit which is still used in the Turkish Army, consisting of 6,000 to 10,000 soldiers. [Sabah Newspaper Online - [http://arsiv.sabah.com.tr/2003/10/09/p02.html "Turkish Armed Forces"] ]

ee also

* Mongol Empire
* Mongol military tactics and organization
* Tyumen - the name originates from tumen


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