Heubach Telecommunication Tower

Heubach Telecommunication Tower

Heubach Telecommunication Tower is a 162 metre tall telecommunication tower of Deutsche Telekom AG on Glasenberg at Heubach in Baden-Württemberg ( Geographical coordinates: coord|48|47|9|N|9|57|14|E|display=inline,title ). It is used for directional radio, mobile radio, police and fire brigade radio also used for FM- and TV transmission.

Heubach Telecommunication Tower is equipped with an observation deck, accessible for tourists.However this observation deck is only open at rare occasions.

Radiated FM- and TV-programmes

External links

* http://skyscraperpage.com/diagrams/?b20219

ee also

* List of towers

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  • Deutsche Telekom — AG Type Aktiengesellschaft Traded as FWB: DTE …   Wikipedia

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