Louis Waltniel

Louis Waltniel

Louis Gustaaf Waltniel (Ninove, 28 August 1925-Meerbeke, 29 December 2001) was a Belgian liberal politician and industrialist. He held a master degree in economic sciences.

He was alderman and burgomaster of Ninove, a member of parliament, Deputy-president of the Vlaamse Executieve and Flemish minister. He was president of the Liberaal Vlaams Verbond from 1974 until 1982.


* [http://www.liberaalarchief.be/V_Z.html Louis Waltniel] (Liberal archive]
* M. Lion, "Achteraf beschouwd. De Ninoofse politieke memoires van L. G. Waltniel", Meerbeke, ABC-druk, s.d., 184 p.
* P. Van Molle, "Het Belgisch parlement 1894-1969", Gent, Erasmus, 1969, p. 379.

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