

Alsunga (earlier Alšvanga, German: Alschwangen) is a village in Kuldiga district, Latvia. It is also the centre of the rural district of Alsunga. It was first mentioned in 1230, as an old settlement of Curonians. In 1372, a castle was built for the vogt of Kuldīga komtur. Nowadays, only a small part of the castle has survived. In 1567, Saint Miķelis church was built. Nowadays it is one of most valued architecture buildings in Alsunga. There are approximately 2230 inhabitants in Alsunga.

In 22 February, 2007, a huge fire caused 26 fatalities in the "Reģi" care centre, which was later closed. It was the most fatal fire in the history of Latvia.

Sun rises and lives there.

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