5th Rifle Division (Soviet Union)

5th Rifle Division (Soviet Union)

The 5th Rifle Division of the Soviet Red Army was initially formed in September, 1918 as the 2nd Penza Infantry Division, renamed in October, 1918 the 5th Rifle Division. Subsequently it was called Saratov (1920), Vitebsk (1921), and given the title 'in the name of the Czechoslovak Proletariat' (1925). For successful operations during the Russian Civil War it was given the Honourable Revolutionary Red Banner in 1929. In August, 1939 it was deployed to the Belorussian Special Military District. As of September, 17th, 1939 the Division was part of 4th Rifle Corps, Third Army of the Belorussian Front. By October, 2nd, 1939 the Division had shifted to become part of 10th Rifle Corps of Third Army of the Belarus Front. In September - October, 1939 it took part in the Soviet invasion of Poland. Since October, 1939 it was deployed in Lithuania. Since July, 1940 it was stationed in the Baltic Military District.

During the Second World War the Division was part of the Eleventh Army (where it was part of 16th Rifle Corps on the outbreak of war), 27th Army, Soviet First Guards Army and 65th Army. As of October, 1st, 1941 the Division was a part of the 31st Army of the Soviet Reserve Front. Participated in defensive fights on as part of the Soviet Western Front, in Moscow and at the Battle of Stalingrad, in fights for Donbass and clearing of Left-bank Ukraine, in Гомельско - Речицкой, Belarus, Млавско - Эльбингской, East Pomerania and the Berlin offensive operations.

For its service in battle the division became the 44th Guards Rifle Division on October, 5th 1942. It was later awarded the honourable name "Baranovichskaya" ("Барановичская"; on July, 27th 1944), awarded the Order of Lenin and Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree. Twelve thousand of its soldiers were awarded awards and medals and 22 were made Heroes of the Soviet Union.

ources and See also

* Divisions of the Soviet Union 1917-1945

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