- Aporá
Aporá is one
city Brazil eiro located in the east ofBahia . Its population is of 17.085 inhabitants and its 572 area is of km ² (29,36 h/km ²), according to census of the IBGE of 2002, desmembrado of the city of Inhambupe in 14 of August 1958 with the resolution of nº 89, was authorized the creation of the city of Aporá materialize for the law nº 1,021, signed in the same cited date.It makes limit, to the north with the city of
Crisópolis , to the south and the west with the city ofInhambupe , the east with the city ofEsplanade , the northeast with the city ofAcajutiba , the northwest with the city ofOlindina and the Southeast with the city of Entre Rios.History
The city of Aporá has in its quantity, two books counting histories, legends, stories, a book published for the pupils of the Golden College " “basic Information on Aporá” ", and the other " “To the Lusco Fusco” " for the writer Selma Oliveira de Mendonça, where the same one discovered the origin of the name “Aporá”, and tells legends and customs of last peoples of the city, famous legends as “the Sepente of the Lagoon”, that according to older, the mother engravidou and not quiz the son then played in the lagoon, and then in a procession Priest asked for that the child came of waters, from there sepente raised one and freed fire gusts in the chest of the mother.
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