Belantsea montana

Belantsea montana

name = "Belantsea montana"

fossil_range = Lower Carboniferous
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Chondrichthyes
ordo = Petalodontiformes
familia = Belantseidae
species = "B. montana"
binomial = "Belantsea montana"
binomial_authority = Lesueur, 1818

"Belantsea montana" (named after a legendary ancestor of the Crow Nation) was a peculiar-looking cartilaginous fish that lived during the Lower Carboniferous. Its fossils are found in the Bear Gulch Limestone lagerstätte. Its body was oddly built, being leaf-shaped, with muscular fins and a small tail. Such a bodyplan would allow for great maneuverability, but at the cost of speedy cruising. Its few, large, triangular teeth formed a beak-like arrangement that allowed it to graze bryozoans, sponges, crinoids and other encrusting animals.

"B. montana" is the best known of a group of bizarre cartilaginous fish known as the "Petalodontiformes."

External links

* [ Bear Gulch]
* [ Belantsea from Discovery Education]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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