Silver(I) fluoride

Silver(I) fluoride

chembox new
ImageFile = silverIfluoride.jpg
ImageSize =
ImageFile1 = Silver(I)-fluoride-3D-ionic.png IUPACName =
OtherNames =
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
Abbreviations =
CASNo = 7775-41-9
PubChem =
InChI =
MeSHName =
ATCCode_prefix =
ATCCode_suffix =
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Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = AgF
MolarMass = 126.866 g/mol
Appearance = yellow-brown solid
Density = 5.852 g/cm3, solid
MeltingPtC = 435
Melting_notes =
BoilingPtC = 1159
Boiling_notes =
Solubility = 1.8 kg/L (20 °C)
SolubleOther =
Solvent =
pKa =
pKb =

Section3 = Chembox Structure
CrystalStruct = cubic
Coordination =
MolShape =

Section7 = Chembox Hazards
EUClass =
EUIndex =
MainHazards =
RPhrases =
SPhrases =
RSPhrases =
FlashPt =
Autoignition =
ExploLimits =

Section8 = Chembox Related
OtherAnions =
OtherCations =
OtherFunctn =
Function =
OtherCpds =

Silver(I) fluoride (AgF), also known as argentous fluoride and silver monofluoride, is a compound of silver and fluorine. It is a ginger-coloured solid, melting point 435 °CGreenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A. (1997). "Chemistry of the Elements", 2nd Edition, Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 0-7506-3365-4.] , which blackens on exposure to moist air. Unlike other silver halides such as silver chloride it is soluble in water to the extent of 1.8 kg/L, and it even has some solubility in acetonitrile. AgF is made from silver(I) carbonate and hydrofluoric acid.

Silver(I) fluoride finds most application in organofluorine chemistry for addition of fluoride across multiple bonds. For example, AgF adds to perfluoroalkenes in acetonitrile to give perfluoroalkylsilver(I) derivatives: [Miller, W. T.; Burnard, R. J., "J. Am. Chem. Soc." 1968, "90", 7367-7368.] RFCF=CF2 + AgF → RFCF(CF3)Ag.

Silver also forms a higher fluoride, silver(II) fluoride.

See also

*Naming Ionic Compounds

External links

* [ National Pollutant Inventory - Flouride and compounds fact sheet]


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