- Seva Bharathi
[Sewa Bharati] [http://www.sevabharathi.org] is an
India n organization committed tosocial service projects, especially for the tribal and indigenous communities in India. It is affiliated with and supported by theRashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh .Sewa Bharati was [established in 1979] [http://www.organiser.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=123&page=17] . Although the Volunteers have been working for the betterment of the under previliged, it was after Shri
Madhukar Dattatraya Deoras (commonly addressed as Balasaheb) took over as the Sarsanghchlak that Sewa Bharati came into existence. It has separate chapters in nearly every state in India with projects serving Urban slums.Before the formation of Sewa Bharati in 1979, the then [RSS] [http://www.sanghparivar.org]
Sarsanghachalak Shri Balasaheb Deoras addressed a gathering of uniformed swayamsevaks at Ambedkar Stadium, Delhi on Varsh Pratipada Day (April 8, 1978) and formally called upon them to go to different sections of the society to start constructive activities among them. He directed the swayamsevaks to raise self-respect of the socially and economically deprived people so that the wholeHindu society could stand united and foil the game plans of the anti-national forces. It was a new direction to the swayamsevaks who till then were busy in running mostly the dailyshakha s.The Sangh swayamsevaks today runs more than one lakh similar service projects in remote areas of the country. Only under the banner of Sewa Bharati more than 50,000 service projects are run at about 23,000 places from [kashmir] [http://news.oneindia.in/2006/06/25/jk-rss-adopts-militancy-hit-muslim-children.html Kashmir] to kanyakumari and Gujarat to northeast. Volunteers have been the first to reach any calamity be it [floods] [http://www.organiser.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=145&page=30] , accidents, natural or otherwise. It includes 13,786 projects of education, 10,908 of health care, 17,560 of social welfare and 7,452 self-reliance projects. It does not include the rural development projects. Today Sewa Bharati has a Rashtriya [Sewa Bharati] [http://newstodaynet.com/2006sud/06apr/0604ss1.htm] to look after and co-ordinate the all India activities.
These projects, targetting the economically weaker and socially neglected sections of our society range from medical assistance, creche, library, hostel, basic education, adult education, vocational and industrial training, upliftment of street children and the [lepers] [http://www.kendram.org/] in the capital. All the services are offered free. Through these projects Sewa Bharti aims at making the underprivileged sections of the society self-reliant in every aspect of their lives. The ultimate objective is to establish a caste less and classless society through service of the underprivileged class.
"Child Rights" : The [Child Labour Rehabilitaion] [http://www.nele.org.in/] , Non-formal Schools in the Slum, One Teacher Schools, [Affection Homes] [http://www.sevabharathi.org/ahomes_e.htm] for the [destitue child] [http://www.vatsalyatrust.org/] and Hostels for the Poor children.
"Women Welfare": Bringing then together and train them to [strengthen financially] [http://www.telegraphindia.com/1080908/jsp/jharkhand/story_9801423.jsp] .
"Differently abled" : Empathetic supportive helping hand to bring out the [differently-abled] [http://www.arunachetana.org/] talent hidden on them.
"Rural rejuvenation" : Strengthening Indian countryside with technology and also providing them the information they need for more [green revolutions] [http://www.organiser.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=255&page=7] .
" [Tribal Welfare] [http://www.rvkp.org/] " : Nurturing the tribal talents & culture Seva Bharathi is trying to empower them with information & skill.
"Need based activity" : In times of need during crisises, Seva Bharathi volunteers are the first to reach out the victims, be it floods, accidents or calamities.
"Medical Aid" : Health services in general through Tribal [Health Centers] [http://www.svmm.org/] , and at large through Rural Health Volunteers, [mobile dispensaries] [http://www.ssvvk.com/] serving the needy at their doorstep.
"Self Reliance" : Counseling for [handicapped] [http://manonethra.org/] , Micro credit to the skilled youth & Thrift Programmes.
External links
* [http://www.kendram.org/ Vivekananda Maharogi arogya kendra]
* [http://www.vanavasikalyan.org/index.html vanawasi kalyan,Karnataka Unit]
* [http://www.vanvasikalyanparishad.org/ vanvasi kalyan Madhyapradesh]
* [http://www.rvkp.org/ vanawasi kalyan, Rajastan Unit]
* [http://www.kssblr.org/index1.html Keshava Seva samiti]
* [http://www.arunachetana.org/ Arun Chetana]
* [http://www.sevabharathikozhikode.com/ Sewa bharati Kozhikode]
* [http://sewabharti.com/index.htm Sewa bharti Indore]
* [http://www.sevakeralam.org/ Sewa Bharati Kerala]
* [http://www.sevabharathi.org/ Sewa Bharati]
* [http://www.sevabharathiap.org/ Sewa Bharati Andhra Pradesh]
* [hhttp://jankalyansamiti.com/ Jankalyan samiti Gujarat]
* [http://www.letindiadevelop.org/ Let India Develop]
* [http://www.youthforseva.org/ Youth for sewa]
* [http://www.hinduseva.org/ Hindu Sewa Pratishtan]
* [http://www.nele.org.in/ Narendra Nele]
* [http://www.ssvvk.com/ Somepalli somaiah tribal aid center]
* [http://www.svmm.org/ Sri Vivekananda medical mission]
* [http://www.vatsalyatrust.org/ Vatsalya trust]
* [http://www.vatsalya.org/ Vatsalya]
* [http://sevabharathi.blogspot.com/2005/02/bhatke-vimukta-vikas-pratishthana.html Bhatke Vimukta Vikas Pratishthana]
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