Jorge Eduardo Acosta

Jorge Eduardo Acosta

Jorge Eduardo Acosta (27 May 1941), alias "el Tigre" ("The Tiger") was an Argentine captain of corvette, head of the Work Group ("Grupo de Tareas") 3.3.2 of the ESMA naval school and in charge of this detention center during the Dirty War. He was allegedly the one taking decisions concerning torture and assassinations in the ESMA center. He has been accused in particular of having ordered the murders of the French nuns Léonie Duquet and Alice Domon, and of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Azucena Villaflor, Esther Ballestrino and María Ponce, as well as of the death of the Swedish-Argentine teenager Dagmar Hagelin. In total, he is accused of approximatively 80 crimes.


Jorge Acosta travelled in 1981 to South Africa to assist the apartheid government as a military instructor in matters of counter-insurgency. In 1998, it was discovered that he had a secret Swiss bank account which may have been used to keep goods stolen from the "desaparecidos" [ [ "Acosta", Desaparecidos] ] .

He was amnestied under the "Ley de Obediencia Debida", then arrested again and remained in preventive detention for his role in the case of stolen babies. After the repeal of the amnesty laws in 2003, the cases against him were re-opened. In August 2006, the Argentine justice decided to take the ESMA case, in which Jorge Eduardo Acosta is to be judged along with Alfredo Astiz and Adolfo Miguel Donda [ [ "Los rostros del terror van al banquillo", Página/12, 22 August 2006 es icon]

He is also accused in Italy for crimes committed during the dictatorship against Italian citizens [ [ "Por el asesinato de una italoargentina en 1976: Piden en Italia que se procese a Massera, Astiz y Acosta"] , "Clarín", 17 November 2004 es icon] [ [ "Italia: Someterán a proceso a altos oficiales argentinos"] , "El Reloj", 6 April 2006 ]


ee also

*Dirty War

External links

* [ "Jorge Eduardo Acosta", Argirópolis]

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