- Randall Woodfield
Infobox Serial Killer
name=Randall Woodfield
alias=The I-5 Killer, The I-5 Bandit
birth=December 26 ,1950
location=Salem, Oregon
states=Oregon ,California
penalty=Life plus 90 yearsRandall "Randy" Woodfield (b.
December 26 ,1950 ) is an Americanserial killer dubbed The I-5 Killer or The I-5 Bandit for the I-5 Highway running fromWashington toCalifornia , where he committed multiplesexual assault s andmurder s. A native ofOregon , he was convicted of three murders and is suspected of killing up to 18 people. Woodfield is incarcerated at theOregon State Penitentiary .Early life
Born in
Salem, Oregon , Woodfield came from amiddle class family with no evident signs of dysfunction. He was popular among his peers, and was afootball star at Newport High School on theOregon Coast and atPortland State University .Beginning in
adolescence , however, he began to exhibitantisocial sexual behaviors, primarily a penchant forindecent exposure . Upon his first arrest for this crime in high school, his football coaches hushed it up so that he wouldn't be kicked off the team.Three arrests in the early 1970s for petty crimes such as
vandalism andpublic indecency did not prevent Woodfield from being drafted in the1974 NFL Draft by theGreen Bay Packers as a wide receiver, in the 17th round(428th pick), but he was dismissed from the team that same year after more than a dozen arrests for indecent exposure.Rape and murder spree
The following year, Woodfield robbed and sexually assaulted several women at knife point. He was eventually caught by an undercover female police officer, however, and went to
prison for second degree robbery. He served four years of a 10-year sentence.In 1979, Woodfield embarked upon a two year robbery spree, holding up gas stations,
ice cream parlors and homes along theInterstate 5 freeway . Several of his female victims were sexually assaulted, murdered, or both.In March 1981, police investigating a shooting death in
Beaverton, Oregon encountered Woodfield, who was a casual acquaintance of the victim. Citing his history of sexual assault, police searched his home and foundevidence linking him to the murder, as well as theattempted murder s of two young women. Woodfield was arrested and charged with the Beaverton murder and a double murder of a wife and daughter inRedding, California .In October 1981, Woodfield was tried in Salem for the murder of Shari Hull, as well as charges of sodomy and attempted murder.National News Briefs.
United Press International ,October 13 1981 , Tuesday, PM cycle.] Chris Van Dyke, son of actorDick Van Dyke , was the district attorney ofMarion County, Oregon at the time and prosecuted the case. He was convicted of the murder and sentenced tolife in prison , and sentenced to an additional 90 years for convictions of the other crimes.Prior to a later 1981 trial, Woodfield’s counsel attempted to move the trial from the
Willamette Valley due to the publicity the case received in an effort to ensure a fair trial.Judge refuses a change of venue for "I-5 bandit" suspect. United Press International, September 24, 1981, Thursday, PM cycle.] The judge in the case denied Woodfield’s request, along with a request to hypnotize a prosecution witness in an effort to determine if that witness had been influenced by the media coverage. He is serving the sentences at theOregon State Penitentiary in Salem.Domestic News.United Press International ,October 3 1983 , Monday, AM cycle.] While he was charged with four murders, it is estimated that Woodfield committed as many more, as well as upwards of 60 sexual assaults.Prison life
In October 1983, Woodfield was injured at the prison during a disturbance by another inmate. In April 1987, Woodfield filed a $12 million libel suit against author
Ann Rule .Tims, Dana. Murderer’s libel suit dismissed. "The Oregonian ",January 18 1988 .] True crime author Rule wrote "The I-5 Killer", a best-sellingnon-fiction account of Woodfield's life and crime spree in 1984. Oregon’s federal court dismissed the lawsuit on statute of limitations grounds in January 1988.By 1990 he was suspected in at least 44 homicides. [Burgess, Anthony. Book Review: The revenge of the failures with time to kill; 'The Serial Killers' - Colin Wilson & Donald Seaman: W H Allen, 6.99 pounds. "
The Independent ",December 21 1990 .] In 2001 and 2006,DNA testing linked Woodfield to two additional murders in Oregon from 1980 and 1981. [Bernstein, Maxine. DNA links 'I-5 killer' to 1980 slaying. "The Oregonian ",February 9 2006 .]References
External links
* [http://www.francesfarmersrevenge.com/stuff/serialkillers/woodfield.htm Serial Killer Randall Woodfield]
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