Jaan Poska

Jaan Poska

Jaan Poska VR III/1 (January 24 1866, Laiusevälja, Laiuse parish, EstoniaMarch 7 1920, Tallinn, Estonia) was an Estonian barrister and politician.

In 1890, Poska graduated from the faculty of Law of Tartu University, after that he worked as barrister in Tallinn. Jaan Poska was mayor of Tallinn during 1913–1917. In that position he supported reforms, like reforming healthcare and founding two schools. In April 1917, he became governor of the Autonomous Governorate of Estonia. November 28 (November 15) 1917 the "Maapäev" refused to recognize the new Bolshevik rule and proclaimed itself the supreme legal authority of Estonia. The Republic of Estonia formally declared independence on 23 February 1918, only to be forcibly occupied and annexed by German Empire.

On February 24 1918, Poska was appointed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia. He worked in Western Europe for gaining diplomatic recognition to Estonia and participated in Paris Peace Conference. He led the peace talks with Soviet Russia and achieved Treaty of Tartu which was signed in February 2, 1920.

See also

*Estonian War of Independence
*Treaty of Tartu (Russian–Estonian)

External links

* [http://kultuur.elu.ee/ke483_poska.htm Tartu rahu sepistaja Jaan Poska väärib monumenti (Estonian)]
* [http://www.baltische-ritterschaften.de/ Livland. Estland. Kurland. Œsel.]
* [http://www.humanrights.coe.int/minorities/Eng/FrameworkConvention/StateReports/1999/estonia/estonian.htm On 28 November 1917, the Estonian Diet (the Maapäev) declared itself fee supreme power in Estonia.]
* [http://www.estonica.org/eng/lugu.html?menyy_id=97&kateg=43&alam=61&leht=5 On 28 November 1917, the Land council proclaimed itself the highest power in Estonia...]
* [http://www.firstworldwar.com/onthisday/1917_11_28.htm On This Day - 28 November 1917]
* [http://www.einst.ee/factsheets/factsheets_uus_kuju/judicial_reform_in_estonia.htm Though the popularly elected Provisional National Council, had proclaimed itself the highest authority in Estonia as early as 28 November 1917...]


* Ülo Kaevats et al. 2000. "Eesti Entsüklopeedia 14". Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, ISBN 9985-70-064-3

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