Aktion Kinder des Holocaust

Aktion Kinder des Holocaust

Aktion Kinder des Holocaust also known by its initials AKdH is an international community of descendants of survivors of the Holocaust and World War 2 antifascist resistance, together with their relatives and friends. [http://www.inach.net/content/althof.pdf Internet Streetworking, an Instrument for Psychosocial Short-Term Intervention] paper at OSCE Meeting on the Relationship Between Racist, Xenophobic and anti-Semitic Propaganda on the Internet and Hate Crimes Paris, 16 – 17 June 2004 given by Swiss Delegation . Accessed June 2008] It is constituted as a club under under Article 60ff CC of Swiss law. It describes himself as "association against anti-Semitism, racism and political extremism." It's name translates as "Action (by) Children of the Holocaust".

It was founded in 1991 around an interdisciplinary research project associated with the University of Basel, Switzerland . It is a partner and resource provider to the interdisciplinary research project "VIOLENCE youth" at the University of Basel. It is associated with the research project "Right-wing youths in Switzerland"

Its principal aim is to document and counter right-wing extremist youth in Switzerland. It assesses extremist individuals on web forums and chatrooms to look for insecure adolescents who might be turned from their extremist views. It then engages with target individuals and eventually arranges face to face contact.

It maintains an extensive web archive of antisemitic views in the media and on the web. It puts pressure on Internet Service providers to remove neo-Nazi web sites. [ [http://edition.cnn.com/2001/TECH/internet/02/07/yahoo.deletes.nazi.idg/ Yahoo! said to delete dozens of neo-Nazi sites] by Rick Perera, Cable News Network , February 7, 2001. Accessed June 2008]

It criticized the work of Brazilian political cartoonist Carlos Latuff in 2002 for a cartoon depicting a Jewish boy in Warsaw Ghetto saying: "I am Palestinian". [ [http://www.infoshop.org/wiki/Latuff Infoshop News] - Jun 3, 2006] In 2002 the Swiss-based Jewish organization Aktion Kinder des Holocaust sued the Independent Media Center (IMC, also known as Indymedia) of Switzerland on the charge of anti-Semitism. The reason was a cartoon of Latuff's "We are all Palestinians" series, published in Swiss IMC website, which depicted a Jewish boy in Warsaw Ghetto saying: "I am Palestinian." [Alex Schärer: [http://www.akdh.ch/ps/woz040402.htm Linke und Antisemitismus: Der Indymedia-Streit - Aufpassen, was im Kübel landet] , "Die Wochenzeitung", April 4, 2002] [Junge Welt: [http://www.akdh.ch/indymedia4.htm Ärger im Internet: Wegen antisemitischer Beiträge hat Indymedia Schweiz den Betrieb gestoppt] , February 25, 2002] [Aktion Kinder des Holocaust: [http://www.akdh.ch/latuff2.htm Is this cartoon by Latuff, published at indymedia-switzerland, anti-Semitic? An analysis] ] The criminal proceedings were suspended by Swiss court.cite web | url = http://www.redress.btinternet.co.uk/ahamadeh2.htm | title = Jewish peace activists and Israeli violence | date = August 2002 | first = Anis | last = Hamadeh | accessdate = 2007-09-21 ]

Notable supporters are the writers Peter Bichsel and Mariella Mehr, the historian Heiko Haumann, the Israeli journalists François Loeb and Uri Avnery.


* [http://www.judymeschel.com/coshlegal.htm AKTION KINDER DES HOLOCAUST] at JUDY MESCHEL.com Accesed June 2008
* [http://www.tau.ac.il/Anti-Semitism/asw2001-2/switzerland.htm Country report for Switerland 2001] The Stepen Roth Institute for the study of contemporary Antisemitism and racism at Tel Aviv University. Accesed June 2008

External links

* [http://www.akdh.ch Official website] de icon: [http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.akdh.ch/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3DAktion%2BKinder%2Bdes%2BHolocaust%2B%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG Google translation]

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