

Thummalapalle (Tummalapalli) is a village in Nandivada mandal of Krishna District in Andhra Pradesh state in peninsular southern India. Thummalapalle falls in the Delta Region of Krishna River with fertile land containing black soil.

The village has a population over one thousand, predominantly depending on Agriculture primarily related to paddy. The village has two primary schools. Nandivada, Vennanapudi and Ramapuram are the neighbourhood villages to Tummalapalli. The village was busttling with activity and was in the forefront of many revolutions for development until 70s. Thummalapalle has one of the oldest primary schools in the region (setup 100 years back by charity of the local land lords and missionaries). Due to an early realisation of the importance of the education backed by ability to bear the costs due to fertile land most of the population in the village became educated early and migrated to cities. The village is now in transition due to continued migration of farming families to cities. Due to continuous draught, changes in environment resulting in untimely cyclones and limited access to innovative methods in farming, the village economy is now declining resulting in migration of more population to nearby towns and cities. Like most of the agrarian villages in Andhra Pradesh, Thummala Palle requires helping hand from more successful sons of its soil and organisations in terms of innovative farming methods and crop selection or alternative means of rural employment creation that can result in better lives of the people.

External links

* [ Thummalapalle]
* [ Tummalapalli on Wikimapia]

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