Jean-Paul Penin

Jean-Paul Penin

Jean-Paul Penin is a conductor.


Strasbourg Conservatory of Music (Double-Bass, chamber music, 1978) and University (Master's degree in musicology, 1978, Ph. D. in biophysics, 1974).

Paris Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique (Musicology with Yves Gérard, 1978).

San Francisco Conservatory of Music (Analysis with John Coolidge Adams and Conducting. M.A. Conducting, Fulbright scholar, 1979).

Award winner at the international Tokyo Min-On Competition, 1979.Fact|date=May 2008

Alain Lombard's Assistant at the Strasbourg Philharmonic, 1980-81.

Lorin Maazel's Assistant at the Vienna Staatsoper,1982-84.

Principal Guest Conductor, Krakow Philharmonic, 1989-93.

In May 1986, Jean-Paul PENIN stepped over in just one night's delay, for a live Dutch radio symphony concert (NOS), and again in 1990, just back from a russian tour, at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, for the Dutch premiere of Olivier Messiaen's piano concerto "La Ville d'en haut", in presence of the composer, (Yvonne Loriod, soloist, TV Broadcast, Radio Philharmonic), which had been premiered by Pierre Boulez in New York one year before. ( "De Volkskrant", Nov. 12th, 1990).

Jean-Paul PENIN was given by Bärenreiter the exclusive rights for the French premiere of Berlioz's Messe Solennelle, lately discovered. He then recorded the work (first world recording, Vezelay Basilica, October 7th, 1993, Radio France, Accord-Universal and France-Télévision), and was invited to conduct the work all over the world, as at the Teatro Colon in Buenos-Aires (May 1998) and for the Santander International Festival (2003).

In September 2000, he was invited in Prague for the Dvorak Festival, with the National Radio-Symphony. Following this concert, he was then proposed to tour with the orchestra (Berlioz, l'Enfance du Christ, Madrid, Auditorio Nacional, 2002 and 2003 with Spontini's Fernand Cortez). Three times in a row the Concertgebouw series invited him for tour concerts (Berlioz, Saint-Saëns, Rachmaninow, Tschaïkowsky).

One of his concerts (Bartok-Debussy, 2002) with the Dresden Philharmonic, live radio broadcasted in 24 countries was followed by a Berlioz program at the Dresden Semperoper (Staatskapelle, 2004). In 2003, the Oslo National Opera invited him for Poulenc’s Dialogue des Carmélites. After two series with the KBS Symphony (Seoul), he was then invited by the Korean National Opera for a production of "Offenbach"'s "Hoffmann’s Tales").


*Entry "Jean-Paul Penin", Dictionnaire des interprètes, Paris, Laffont, collection "Bouquins".


*Nuits Parisiennes, Suite for orchestra. Premiered in Milano (Dec. 12th, 2004, Orchestra Pomeriggi musicali)
*Nuits Parisiennes, complete ballet


Jean-Paul Penin is praised by the musical press for his interest for forgotten masterpieces.{TAZ 03 06 / Opéra International 01 97}

*Beethoven’s cantatas "Joseph II and Leopold II".
*Berlioz’s "Messe Solennelle".
*Carl Maria von Weber's "Der Freischütz", French Berlioz's version with recitatives.
*Spontini's "Fernand Cortez", which he also premiered in Paris (2002), under the sponsorship of the Napoleon Foundation and stage-premiered at the Erfurt Opera House, 2006). "Fernand Cortez" []
*Chabrier's opera "Gwendoline", whose recording was praised as "one of these last years' most interesting recordings" (opéra international)
*Antonio Sacchini's "Oedipe à Colone", commissioned by King Louis 16th for the opening of the Versailles Royal Palace opera house.

Writings and links

*Les "Baroqueux ou le Musicalement Correct", Editions Gründ, Paris, 2000.
*NMZ, Neue Muzikzeitung. []
*"L'Interprète face à la partition. Muséographie ou appropriation ?" Prague National Music Academy 2000 []
*Messe Solennelle
**Site Berlioz 2003. []
**"Les Premières Armes du jeune Berlioz : La Messe Solennelle", Revue Internationale d'Etudes musicales, Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris, 2004. []
**La Messe Solennelle de Berlioz, le Monde, Oct 13th, 1993 []
**La Messe Solennelle de Berlioz, la Croix, Oct 13th, 1993 []
**De Ontdekking van Berlioz's Messe Solennelle [] (Werner Gladines, 2007, Dutch/French/English)

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