L'Avvenire dei Lavoratori

L'Avvenire dei Lavoratori

The "Avvenire dei Lavoratori" (AdL, _en. Future of the Workers) is an Italian language Socialist newspaper, established 1899 in Zurich, Switzerland. It is edited at the seat of the "Società Cooperativa Italiana", the Ristorante Cooperativo.

The newspaper was founded to support Socialist activities in the Italian community in Switzerland, a community originally composed of economic emigrants and then, after the rise of fascism in Italy in 1922, also by leftist refugees.

The AdL has counted, during more than a century of activities, on the cooperation of some of the best known Italian Socialist politicians such as Giacomo Matteotti, Pietro Nenni, Giuseppe Saragat, Sandro Pertini and Ignazio Silone, as well as the Swiss Iitalians Ezio Canonica and Dario Robbiani.

The newspaper is published as a newsletter and as a collection of periodical essays, the "Quaderni trimestrali" ( _en. Quarterly Notebooks). It is directed by Andrea Ermano and the former Italian Left Democratic Senator Felice Besostri.

The publication was discontinued 1995-2000.

External links

* [http://www.avvenirelavoratori.eu L'Avvenire dei Lavoratori] it icon

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