K.K. Bene Israel

K.K. Bene Israel

K.K. Bene Israel is the oldest Jewish congregation west of the Allegheny Mountains and one of the oldest synagogues in the United States. The congregation was founded in 1824 in Cincinnati. On January 18, 1824, the Congregation B'ne Israel was formally organized; those in attendance were Solomon Buckingham, David I. Johnson, Joseph Jonas, Samuel Jonas, Jonas Levy, Morris Moses, Phineas Moses, Simeon Moses, Solomon Moses, and Morris Symonds. The congregants were primarily Spanish and Portuguese Jews who had immigrated from England. [ [http://www.americanjewisharchives.org/aja/FindingAids/Rockdale.htm Congregation Bene Israel (Cincinnati, Ohio)Records ] ] On January 8, 1830, the Ohio General Assembly granted the congregation a charter whereby it was incorporated under the laws of the state.

The congregation built several temples: two at Sixth and Broadway (1836)and (1852), one at Eighth and Mound Streets, then to the classical Rockdale Temple and since 1969 worships in a new Synagogue at 8501 Ridge Road in Amberley Village, Ohio.

ee also

Jewish history in Cincinnati

External links

* [http://www.rockdaletemple.org/ K.K. Bene Israel Official Site]
* [http://www.rockdaletemple.org/aboutus/history/ History]
* [http://www.americanjewisharchives.org/aja/collections/catalog06.html Records, 1884-1967]
* [http://www.cincinnatimemory.org/gsdl/collect/greaterc/archives/HASH0192/153dcb4d.dir/ocp000087pccpc.jpgEight & Mound Temple]
* [http://www.cincinnatimemory.org/gsdl/collect/greaterc/archives/HASH605d/774354bd.dir/ocp000091pcpfb.jpgRockdale Temple]


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