Hans Brask

Hans Brask

Hans Brask (1464-1538), bishop of Linköping, Sweden. [cite book |last=d'Aubigné |first=Jean Henri Merle |authorlink=Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné |coauthors= |title=History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin |year=1880 |publisher= |quote=Bishop Brask of Linkoping was a priest endowed with immense energy. The outcries of the monks at Orebro were heard as far as Upsala; and in July, 1523, Brask received from the chapter of this metropolitan town a letter in which he was informed that the Lutheran heresy was boldly preached in the cathedral of Strengnaes by one Olaf Petri. It appears that this information was absolutely new to the vehement bishop. Completely devoted to the Roman Church, not even imagining that there could be any other, he was greatly agitated. He heard shortly after that emissaries of the Lutheran propaganda had made their appearance in his own diocese. He looked on this as the beginning of a great conflagration which would consume the whole Church. | url=http://books.google.com/books?id=J51KAAAAMAAJ&dq |isbn= ]


Brask was born in Linköping 1464 to a bourgeois family. He studied philosophy and law at German universities and around 1500 he received a doctoral degree in civil and canon law from Rome. Upon his return to Sweden he first worked as canon and was later, in 1501, appointed cathedral dean in the cathedral of Linköping. He also became a member of the council of the realm and worked for a reconciliation with Denmark, with which Sweden has been at war for some years. In 1513 he was appointed bishop. Brask was opposed to Sten Sture's struggle with archbishop Gustav Trolle, but signed a document at the 1517 diet to remove the bishop. According to Olaus Petri's Swedish chronicles, Brask was forced to sign the document. Under his seal he is supposed to have put a note saying "Härtill är jag nödd och tvungen" - "To this I am forced and compelled". This legend is the origin of a word in modern Swedish: "brasklapp" ("brask note"), meaning a hidden reservation. [cite book |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Nordisk familjebok |year=1878 |publisher= |quote=Brask, Hans, biskop, f. 1464 i Linköpingaf borgerliga föräldrar, idkade studier vid Greifswaldsoch andra utländska högskolor samt blefvid någon af dem doktor. Efter sin hemkomstanställdes han som kanik i Linköpings kapitel,blef 1505 domprost, intogs såsom sådan i riketsråd och blef 1513 biskop i Linköping. Hanvar en af sin tids främste män, kunnig och erfaren,såväl i ekonomiska och politiska som ikyrkliga ting, och derjämte en varm vän af allt,som han ansåg kunna främja sitt lands utveckling. | url=http://runeberg.org/nfab/0539.html |isbn= ]

Brask supported the Danish king Kristian II, but was not part of the events that led to the infamous massacre in Stockholm 1520. After Gustav Vasa's rebellion he was forced to join the new king's side, but he would become an opponent of the king's politics. The events of 1527 diet in Västerås led to Brask fleeing the country to Poland.

Brask was an active man with many ideas. He had a was the first man to plan the channel between the two large Swedish lakes, "Vänern" and "Vättern". He was running a printing house in Söderköping. The correspondence between Brask and others is an important source of history in a country where not much was written down.

Bishop Brask is believed to have died in Ląd monastery (the Cistercian Trail, Poland) in 1538, where his tombstone is seen to this day.


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