Jürgen Schadeberg

Jürgen Schadeberg

Jürgen Schadeberg (born 1931) is a South African photographer and artist.


Jürgen Schadeberg was born in Berlin in 1931. In 1950, he moved to South Africa to rejoin his family and joined Drum magazine as official photographer and layout artist.

Schadeberg became a teacher and mentor to some of the most creative South African photographers of his time, like Bob Gosani, Ernest Cole and later Peter Magubane. cite news | first= | last= | coauthors= | title=Jürgen Schadeberg | date= | publisher= | url =http://www.linkpicturelibrary.com/docs/theprintroom/JurgenSchadeberg/docs/pages/jschad.htm | work =Link Portfolio | pages = | accessdate = 2007-04-17 | language = ] As one of the few white photographers who photographed daily life among the black community, he became knowledgeable about black life and culture. As a result, he captured on film the beginnings of the freedom movement, the effects of apartheid and the vibrancy of township life.

Schadeberg photographed many historic and pivotal events in the 1950s among them the Defiance Campaign of 1952, the 1956 Treason Trial, the Sophiatown removals of 1955, the Sophiatown jazz and social scene, the Sharpeville funeral of 1960 and pictures of Robben Island inmates. Some of the famous people he photographed include Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo, Trevor Huddleston and Govan Mbeki. He also documented the Fifties jazz legends such as Dolly Rathebe, Kippie Moeketsi, Thandi Klaasen and Miriam Makeba.

Drum wanted the singer Dolly Rathebe to be the cover girl for one of their issues. Schadeberg took her to a Johannesburg mine dump and photographed her in a bikini. The two were arrested for contravening the Immorality Act which forbade interracial relationships. cite news | first= | last= | coauthors= | title=Dolly Rathebe | date= | publisher=S A History | url =http://www.sahistory.org.za/pages/people/bios/rathebe-d.htm | work = | pages = | accessdate = 2007-12-03 | language = ]

In 1959, Schadeberg left Drum to become a freelancer. He was part of an expedition led by Professor Phillip V. Tobias from the University of the Witwatersrand to study the San (Bushmen). These images were published in "The Kalahari Bushmen Dance" in 1982. cite news | first= | last= | coauthors= | title=Jürgen Schadeberg | date= | publisher= | url =http://www.sahistory.org.za/pages/people/bios/schadeberg-j.htm | work =SA History | pages = | accessdate = 2007-12-03 | language = ]

He was forced to leave South Africa in 1964 and went to London. Here he taught and curated photographic exhibitions, notably for the Whitechapel Art Gallery.

He then moved to Spain where he concentrated on a career as an artist. In 1972, he returned to Africa where he accepted a position as photographer for Christian Aid in Botswana and Tanzania. In 1973 he traveled from Senegal and Mali to Kenya and Zaire to take photographs.

In 1984, Schadeberg returned to South Africa. He continues to work as a photo-journalist as well as making documentaries about the black community.


* "The Fifties people of South Africa : the lives of some ninety-five people who were influential in South Africa during the fifties, a period which saw the first stirrings of the coming revolution" / with photo's by Bob Gosani ... [et al.] , Bailey's African Photo Archives, 1987, ISBN 0-62-010529-1

* "The Finest photos from the old Drum", Bailey's African Photo Archives, 1987; Penguin Books [distributor] , ISBN 0-62-0105811-0

* "The Kalahari Bushmen dance", Jürgen Schadeberg, 1982, ISBN 0-70-450472-3

* "Nelson Mandela and the rise of the ANC" / compiled and edited by Jürgen Schadeberg ; photographs by Ian Berry ... [et al.] ; text by Benson Dyantyi ... [et al.] , Jonathan Ball, 1990, ISBN 0-94-746418-2

* "Sof'town blues [Sof'town is an abbreviation for Sophiatown] : images from the black '50s", J. Schadeberg, 1994, ISBN 0-95-839801-1

* "Voices from Robben Island", Ravan Press, 1994, ISBN 0-86-975454-8

* "The black and white fifties : Jürgen Schadeberg's South Africa", Protea, 2001, ISBN 1-91-982571-1

* "Soweto today", Protea Book House, 2002, ISBN 1-91-982572-X

* "Who Killed Mr. Drum?" / Sylvester Stein / photography by Jürgen Schadeberg, Corvo Books, 2003, ISBN 0-95-432551-6

* "The Book of Life", UN Development Programme, 2004, ISBN 0-62-033285-9

* "Witness: 52 Years of Pointing Lenses at Life", Protea Book House, 2004, ISBN 1-86-919067-X

* "Voices from the Land", Protea Book House, 2005, ISBN 1-86919-105-6

* "Tales from Jozi", Protea Book House, 2007, ISBN 978-1-86919-175-7

* "Jürgen Schadeberg", Hatje Cantz Verlag, Edited by Ralf-P. Seippel, 2008, German/English/French, ISBN 978-3-7757-2150-9

Film and video

* "Ernest Cole" - Video - 52 mins - The life and work of a courageous & pioneering black photographer

* "Voices from Robben Island" - 16 mm - 90 mins - The history of the infamous island prison - a BBC co-production

* "War & Peace" - Video - 60 mins - The history of the ANC from 1900 - 1994

* "Have you seen Drum recently?" - 35 mm - 77 mins - The vibrant and turbulent fifties with original music and photographs

* "The seven ages of music" - Video - 56 mins - A musical trip through history - from San singing to Hugh Masekela

* "Dolly & the Inkspots" - Video - 26 mins - The life and memories of this legendary jazz singing combination

* "Drumbeats" - 16 mm - 56 mins

* "Ballroom Fever" - Video - 26 mins
* "Jo'burg Cocktail" - Video - 56 mins
* "Halala Bomane! [Hail the Women!] " - Video - 56 mins

olo Exhibitions

cite news | first=Jürgen | last=Schadeberg | coauthors= | title=CV | date= | publisher= | url =http://www.jurgenschadeberg.com/cvall.htm | work = | pages = | accessdate = 2007-04-16 | language = ]


* 1962 - Places & Faces; Adler Fielding Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
* 1963 - South African Social Scenes; Gorzenich Exhibition Hall, Cologne, Germany (with Peter Magubane)
* 1970 - Jürgen Schadeberg-A Retrospective; Hotel Melia, Torremolinos, Costa Del Sol, Spain
* 1976 - Jürgen Schadeberg-A Retrospective; Central School, London, UK.
* 1977 - Village Faces; Hayward Gallery, London, UK.
* 1977 - Face to Face; Air Gallery, London, UK.
* 1980 - A Portfolio; The Photographic Gallery; Southampton University, UK.
* 1981 - London Scenes; Photographers' Gallery, London, UK.
* 1988 - A Retrospective; Market Gallery, Johannesburg
* 1995 - Sof'town Blues; Photographers' Gallery, London, UK.
* 1996 - African Women; Nantes and other venues in France
* 1996 - Jürgen Schadeberg-A Retrospective Exhibition; South African National Gallery, Cape Town; Oliewenhuis National Gallery, Bloemfontein; King George V Nat
* 1998 - Fifties South Africa; Vue D'Afrique Festival, Montreal, Canada
* 1998 - The Berlin Wall; Goethe Institute, Johannesburg (toured to Goethe Institutes internationally)
* 1998 - Selected Images - Institute for The Advancement of Journalism, Johannesburg, Freedom Forum, Johannesburg; South Africa
* 1998 - Jürgen Schadeberg - A Retrospective; Gallery of Photography, Dublin, Ireland
* 1999 - Jürgen Schadeberg - The 'Fifties; The Waterfront, Belfast, N.Ireland, UK.
* 2000 - The Naked Face; Sandton Civic Art Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
* 2000 - Faced; Carfax Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
* 2001 - Soweto 2001; Art On Paper Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
* 2001 - The White 'Fifties; Crake Gallery, Johannesburg, Bensusan Museum of Photography, Johannesburg; South Africa
* 2001 - Jürgen Schadeberg-Drum Beat: South Africa 1950-1994; Axis Gallery, New York, NY
* 2001 - Jurgen Schadeberg - Fine Images over 50 Years - Photoza - Johannesburg
* 2001 - Jurgen Schadeberg - Fine Images over 50 Years - Photoza - Johannesburg
* 2002 - The Black & White Fifties" & "Soweto Today" touring SA with The Alliance Francaise - Opened at The Pretoria Art Museum, 8 city tour
* 2002 - "Voices from the Past - Moving Stills over 50 years" - Goethe Institut Johannesburg
* 2002 - The San of the Kalahari 1959 - RAU Art Gallery, Johannesburg
* 2002 - The San of the Kalahari 1959 - PhotoZa Gallery, Johannesburg
* 2003 - The San of the Kalahari 1959 - Tour of South Africa to 8 venues by Alliance Francaise
* 2003 - All that Jazz: 52 years of jazz images, Standard Bank Art Gallery, Johannesburg
* 2003 - Goethe Institut, Berlin (a retrospective of South African images)
* 2003 - Rencontres de la Photographie Africaine, Bamako, Mali
* 2003/4 - Retrospective of South African work touring Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong
* 2004 - Dorottya Gallery, Budapest (1950s images) & Mediawave in Gyor in April
* 2004 - The San of the Kalahari – Pretoria 2004
* 2004 - On The Beach – New colour work. Gallery@157, Johannesburg, South Africa
* 2004 - A Restrospective of 52 Years of South African work – Espace Cosmopolis, Nantes, France
* 2004 - Selected Works – Pascal Polar Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
* 2005 - A Retrospective of South African work – Nicephore Niepce Museum, Chalon Sur Saone
* 2005 - "Drum Days" in fifties South Africa – Riverside Studios, London
* 2005 - Retrospective – Seippel Galerie, Koln, Germany
* 2005 - Jazz images – Marciac, France
* 2005 - Retrospective, Lectoure Centre de la Photographie, France
* 2005 - Voices from the Land – a major photo essay of conditions on SA Farms today
* 2005 - Retrospective – Carcassonne, France
* 2005 - Voices from the Land – a major photo essay of conditions on SA Farms today, MuseumAfrica, Johannesburg
* 2005 - Solo Exhibition – Bochum Museum, Germany
* 2006 - Solo Show, Zeitungsmuseum, Saarbrucken, Germany
* 2006 - The Defiance Campaign 1952, The Nelson Mandela Foundation, Johannesburg
* 2006 - Solo Exhibition, Potsdammer Platz, Berlin, Germany.
* 2006 - "Voices from the Land" images, Human Rights Forum , Nantes, France
* 2007 - "Bars" solos show Seippel Gallery, Koln, Germany
* 2007 - Retrospective St Etienne Museum, France
* 2007 - Solo Exhibition and book launch MuseumAfrica new colour work "My Joburg"
* 2007 - Solo Show Belgravia Gallery, London


* 1969 - Raymond Duncan Gallery, Paris, France
* 1970 - La Palette Bleue, Paris, France
* 1970 - Don Pedro Gallery, Carihuela, Spain

elected group exhibitions

* 1987 - The Finest Photos from the Old Drum; Shell Gallery, Cape Town; Durban Museum, Durban; Market Gallery, Johannesburg; South Africa
* 1988 - Drum; Impressions Gallery, York, UK.
* 1993 - Fifties South Africa; Herten, Germany
* 1995 - South Africa Images; photo Forum, Frankfurt, Germany
* 1997 - Condition Humaine; La Musée du Port, La Reunion, Reunion
* 1998 - Under the Tropic: 25 years of South African Photojournalism; Cardiff University, UK.
* 1999 - Africa by Africa-A Photographic View; Barbican Art Gallery, London, UK.
* 1999 - Maverick; Crake Gallery, Johannesburg
* 2000 - Lengthening Shadows; Stephen Daiter Gallery, Chicago, U.S.
* 2001 - Soweto: A South African Legend; Munich, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Berlin, Hannover; Germany
* 2002 - Environmental Images - PhotoZa, Johannesburg
* 2002 - Fine Fifties Images of South Africa - La Maison Europeene de la Photographie, Paris
* 2003 - The History of Soweto – permanent exhibition at the Regina Church, Soweto Created & Curated by Jurgen & Claudia Schadeberg
* 2004 - ARCO, Madrid
* 2004 - ABSA Gallery, Johannesburg (images of Kliptown, 2003)
* 2004 - Kliptown 2003, Kliptown Centre (a photo project with the work of 4 students)
* 2004 - "City & Country" new colour work, Axis Gallery, New York
* 2004 - Group exhibition – Artcoza Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
* 2004 - Kliptown – The Goethe Institut, Johannesburg
* 2004 - San Images for Fototage Wiesbaden, Galerie Lichtbild, Wiesbaden, Germany
* 2004 - Selected Works, Pascal Polar Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
* 2005 - Kliptown – Horniman Museum, UK
* 2005 - Selected Works - Toomey-Tourell Gallery, San Francisco, USA
* 2005 - A Selection of Fities South African Images - Wedge Gallery, Toronto, Canada
* 2006 - Painting & Photography – South African University Gallery, Johannesburg
* 2006 - Fifties Work – Kunsthalle, Vienna, Austria
* 2007 - Virginia Museum of Fine Art, USA
* 2007 - Esslingen Triennale
* 2007 - Contact Photo Festival, Toronto

External links

* [http://www.jurgenschadeberg.com/ Jürgen Schadeberg’s home page]
* [http://www.gallery-seippel.com/cologne/schadeberg.php Jürgen Schadeberg’s gallery]


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