- Water supply and sanitation in Peru
Future Investments The Government's draft National Sanitation Plan considers that investments of US$4,789 million would be needed in the period of 2005-2015 (US$497 million/year) to achieve the
Millennium Development Goals in the sector. [es icon Plan Nacional de Saneamiento]However, billions more would be needed to divert water along tunnels beneath the Andes if glacial melting accelerates. "When Ice turns to water", The Economist, July 12, 2007 ]
External cooperation
Multilateral financial institutions - including, the
World Bank , theInter-American Development Bank , and the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) - as well as bilateral cooperation agencies (the GermanKfW andGTZ , the CanadianCIDA , and the JapaneseJBIC , among others) play an important role in investment financing and in technical assistance in the sector.Assistance to different segments of the sector, differentiated by the size of localities, is provided by different donors:
* The World Bank provides support to rural areas as well as to small towns with populations less than 30,000 through the PRONASAR (see above).
* Larger towns and small cities - such asAyacucho ,Cajamarca orPuno - receive support from KfW.
* Larger cities - such as Tumbes,Piura orCusco - receive support from KfW, IDB and JBIC.
* The CAF, the World Bank and the JBIC support SEDAPAL inLima andCallao .References
* [http://www.bvsde.paho.org/bvsacd/cd51/planes.pdf Ministry of Housing, Construction, and Sanitation: National Housing and Water Plan 2006-2015]
* Dr. Julio Calderón Cockburn: Water and Sanitation – The case of rural Peru, 2004
* [http://www.iniciativamercosur.org/agua_pe.pdf The Inter-American Platform of Human Rights, Democracy, and Development (PIDHDD), a Mercosur Initiative, Peru Water 2006]
* [http://www.ehproject.org/PDF/Joint_Publications/JP0012E-PeruSanitationPolicyFormat.pdf USAID/Environmental Health Project/WSP/PAHO: Evaluation of Peru's Sanitation Policies, 2004]
* [http://www.cepis.ops-oms.org/bvsacg/e/fulltext/peru/peru.pdf WHO/PAHO: Desigualdades en el acceso, uso y gasto con el agua potable en América Latina y el Caribe, 2001]
* [http://www.bvsde.paho.org/eswww/eva2000/peru/informe/inf-00.htm WHO/PAHO/CEPIS 2000: Water and Sanitation Evaluation Peru, 2000]See also
Electricity sector in Peru
*Irrigation in Peru
*Water resources management in Peru
*Water supply and sanitation in Latin America
*External links
* [http://www.vivienda.gob.pe/dnsanea.html Dirección Nacional de Saneamiento]
* [http://www.sunass.gob.pe/ SUNASS]
* [http://www.sedapal.com.pe/ SEDAPAL]
* [http://www.digesa.minsa.gob.pe/ MINSA DIGESA (Salud Ambiental)]
* [http://www.anepssa.tripod.com/ ANEPSSA]
* [http://www.foncodes.gob.pe/ FONCODES]
* [http://www.proagua-gtz.org.pe/ GTZ PROAGUA]
* [http://www.wsp.org/regions/region.asp?id=3#Peru WSP Peru]
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