Per Fly

Per Fly

Per Fly Plejdrup (born January 14, 1960) is a Danish film director, generally credited simply as Per Fly. He is currently married to Danish actress Charlotte Fich. They have the children Anton and Aksel togheter.


Plejdrup graduated from The National Film School of Denmark in 1993. His feature film debut was in 2000 with the movie "Bænken" ("The Bench"), which told the story of Kaj, a man whose life paths has led him into deep alcoholism. This film started the Denmark-trilogy, which portrayed situations and characters from the lower, upper and middle class of Denmark, in that order. The stop-motion animation film "Prop og Berta "("Prop and Berta", 2001) followed "Bænken", but was not part of the trilogy. The trilogy continued with "Arven" ("The Inheritance", 2003) depicting the upper class, and the middle class in "Drabet "("Manslaughter", 2005).

In 2007 he shot a series entitled "Forestillinger", broadcasted on Danish channel Danmarks Radio. It pivots on the same period of time from the perspective of 6 different people, whose life situations overlap and intertwine. The meaning of the word "Forestillinger" is ambiguous in Danish language, and can refer to "conceptions" or (as in "conceptions about one self") as well as "plays" or "shows" in the theatrical sense.

With the exception of "Prop og Berta", the nature of Per Fly's filmography is centered around the lives of ordinary people, being mainly (social) realistic in nature. They explore the conditions under which the characters are living, and try to validate or explain the choices they make through a detailed psychological and social depiction of the characters involved. Per Fly has written manuscripts for the three movies of the Denmark trilogy.


*"Kalder Kathrine!" (1994, short movie)
*"Bænken" (2000)
*"Prop og Berta" (2001)
*"Arven" (2003)
*"Drabet" (2005)

Other works

*"Forestillinger" (2007, TV series)
*"Taxa", episode 31 (1998, TV series)
*"Taxa", episode 32 (1998, TV series)
*"Taxa", episode 33 (1998, TV series)


* 2002: Bodil award for best movie," Bænken"
* 2004: Bodil award for best movie, "Arven"


*Danish movies and television database, at []

External links

*imdb name|id=0283377

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