- Wojciech Pszoniak
Wojciech Pszoniak (born in
1942 inLwów ,Poland , currentlyUkraine ), is a Polish film and theater actor.Pszoniak gained international visibility following
Andrzej Wajda 's1975 film "The Promised Land ", in which he played Moritz, one of the three main characters.The actor left Poland during the period of political unrest in 1980-1981, which saw the appearance of the
Solidarity trade union and ended with the imposition of martial law onDecember 13 ,1981 . Pszoniak found roles inFrance , where he is currently living and working. Since the fall of communism inEastern Europe in1989 , Pszoniak has appeared in Polish movies and plays.Internationally, he simplified his first name into "Wojtek", which is the standard diminutive of the relatively formal "Wojciech" in the Polish language.
Pszoniak often plays
Jewish characters, although he is not of Jewish descent. In France, this is partially attributable to his role in "The Promised Land", as well as his foreign accent.Pszoniak did not speak French when he emigrated to France, so he learned his theatrical lines phonetically; in movies like "Danton", where he played
Robespierre , his voice was dubbed. An anecdote about his language skills relates that when he finally started speaking French, one director told him that he preferred his old accent.See also
Cinema of Poland External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.