Johannes Rebmann

Johannes Rebmann

Infobox Person
name = Johannes Rebmann

birth_date = birth_date|mf=yes|1820|1|16
birth_place = Gerlingen near Stuttgart, Germany
death_date = death_date_and_age|mf=yes|1876|10|4|1820|1|16
death_place = Korntal near Stuttgart, Germany
death_cause = Died of Pneumonia
residence = Varies; see text
occupation = Missionary, Explorer

Johannes Rebmann (January 16, 1820 – October 4, 1876)was a German missionary and explorer credited with feats including being the first European, along with his accomplice Johann Ludwig Krapf, to enter Africa from the Indian Ocean coast. In addition, they are also credited with being the first Europeans to find Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya. [Fitzpatrick, Mary "Tanzania" (2005)] Their work there is also thought to have had effects on future African expeditions by Europeans, including the exploits of Sir Richard Burton, John Hanning Speke, and David Livingstone.Cite web|url=|title=Encyclopaedia Brittanica|accessmonthday=11 April|accessyear=2007]

Early life

Rebmann was born to a Swabian farmer and winegrower on January 16, 1820 in Gerlingen, Württemberg. The village he lived in was very small, with only about 1500 inhabitants. Even at an early age, he aspired to be a "preacher and canvasser of the gospel".Cite web|url=|title= Childhood and youth|accessmonthday=2 June|accessyear=2007]

Later, when Rebmann became a young man, he chose to devote himself to being a missionary, and was trained in Basel.Cite web|url=||accessmonthday=13 April|accessyear=2007] Cite web|url=|title=Statd Gurlingen|accessmonthday=13 April|accessyear=2007] Together with fellow missionary Johann Ludwig Krapf, Rebmann traveled to East Africa in 1846 by way of a ship entitled "Arrow", where he worked in areas around Kenya, as well as at various other locations.Cite web|url=||accessmonthday=13 April|accessyear=2007]

Their work was hard, and they had much trouble convincing tribal chiefs to let them speak to the people. Krapf noted (what he called) the "surge of Islam" that was going through Africa, and wanted to make some sort of Christian standing against its religious influence on the people of the continent. So, as the radius of the two missionaries work expanded, plans for Christian missionary outposts in the area began to develop.Cite web|url=|title= Time as a Missionary|accessmonthday=2 June|accessyear=2007]

During his time in Africa, Rebmann kept a diary from 1848 until the end of his life. In this diary, Rebmann writes of how his trust in his Christianity has and will keep him stable in the continent of Africa, where only very few Europeans had ventured before him. An extract from the diary, which Rebmann in turn took from the Bible (Psalm: 51, 12) reflects Rebmann's belief in his faith: "Restore to me joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."

tumbling upon Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya

In 1848, the two missionaries found Kilimanjaro. The following year, they saw Mt. Kenya, and became the first two Europeans to see the two mountains respectively.Cite web|url=
title=Johannes Rebmann - Discoverer and explorer|accessmonthday=June 3|accessyear=2007
] Cite web|url=||accessmonthday=11 April|accessyear=2007]

On the October 16, 1847, the two men set out for the mountain of Kasigau. With them came eight tribesmen and a local caravan leader named Bwana Kheri. This expedition was designed with the goal of establishing some of the first mission posts in the region. The journey was successful, and the group of tribesmen and the missionaries returned to Mombasa on October 27.

Sometime during their journey or their stay in the region, Rebmann and Krapf learned of a great mountain referred to as 'Kilimansharo', who peaked the clouds and who was 'capped in silver'. The two men, who, like most of Europe at the time, were under the impression that snow and ice could not exist so close to the equator, failed to realise at the time the significance of the mountain being 'topped with silver'.

However, the two missionaries, who had become just as much explorers as they were missionaries, became quite interested in Kilimansharo, and Krapf sought permission of the Mombasa governor for an expedition to the land of the Jagga, a people now known as the Chaga, who lived and live on the actual slopes of Kilimanjaro. Krapf told the governor that this journey would be work-based. Despite this, Krapf did not accompany Rebmann on the journey, so only Bwana Kheri and Rebmann left for Kilimanjaro on the April 27, 1848.

Within two weeks, Rebmann and his guide were within sight of the great mountain. He noted in his journal the strange white on the summit of Kilimanjaro, and he questioned his guide on what he thought it was. According to Rebmann's log, the guide 'did not know what it was, but supposed it was coldness'. It was then that Rebmann realised that Kilimanjaro, even though it was located in a region that was thought impossible to bear snow or 'coldness', as the guide referred to it, was in fact capped in it.On November 10, this is what was written in Rebmann's log:

bquote|"This morning we discerned the Mountains of Jagga more distinctly than ever; and about ten o'clock I fancied I saw a dazzlingly white cloud. My Guide called the white which I saw merely 'Beredi,' cold; it was perfectly clear to me, however, that it could be nothing else but snow."

In 1849, these observations were published, but the findings were not truly accepted by most of the scientific community at the time.

Mt. Kenya was found by Krapf in the next year, on December 3, 1849. The finding of this mountain was also met with disbelief in Europe, but the impact of the both of these findings was enough to trigger further investigations into other areas of Africa, thereby stimulated a growth of scientific (among other fields) knowledge of the regions, people, history and geography of the African continent.

Other work in Africa

Rebmann stayed in Africa for almost thirty consecutive years. He kept to a policy that, in order to truly have an impact on the African people, and to complete his task as a missionary, much patience was needed. It appears that this policy was the driving force behind his many years of work on the continent.

As well as visiting Kilimanjaro, Rebmann and Krapf visited other areas of Africa, including the African Great Lakes and Mount Meru. He even became married to a fellow missionary, Anna Maria, née Maisch, with whom he spent 15 years doing missionary work in Africa before her death in 1866, and had a child with (who died only days after his birth).Cite web|url=|title=Johannes Rebmann biography - mainpage|accessmonthday=4 June|accessyear=2007] Also during his time in Africa, after his expeditions to Kilimanjaro and around the Great lakes, he learned how to speak several native languages, as well as writing a dictionary in the Swahili language.

The Slug Map

During their time in Africa, Krapf and Rebmann worked their way into the interior of the continent. They traveled to several areas in the regions of Central and Eastern Africa, including to what is now known as the African Great Lakes. The finding of one especially large lake is depicted in a map known as the 'Slug' map. It was known by this name because the layout of the water body suggested a shape similar to that of a slug.

On the map, several subtle but interesting things can be discovered, including, in the extreme North east section of the cartograph, a reference to a stream flowing through Lake Victoria, then known by the missionaries as "the Ukerewa". A note is present describing how the waters of the stream were very sweet, but stained the teeth a sickly yellow. This note is probably the first known text referring to the drinking water, found primarily around and of Mount Meru, which has a high content of fluorine and causes a yellow-brown stain to the incisors which cannot be removed.

Among other things, another piece of writing on the Slug Map -"From where the Magad [soda] is bought" - provides evidence that the soda trade, the soda originating in Lake Natron (obviously not known by that name then), was active at that time in those regions of Africa in which the map depicts. The Slug Map has never been published.

The Slug Map is now in the care of the Royal Geographical Society in London, who were presented it in 1855 by Erhardt, a fellow missionary. The map is described by the society as:

Bquote|"Sketch of a Map from 1°N. to 15°S. Latitude and from 23° to 43°E. Longitude delineating the probably position and extent of the Sea of Uniamesi as being the continuation of the Lake Niasa and exhibiting the numerous heathen-tribes situated to the East and West of that great Inland-sea together with the Caravan routes leading to it and into the interior in general. In true accordance with the information received from natives - Representatives of various inland tribes - and Mahomidan inland traders. By the Revd. Messrs. Erhardt and F. Rebmann Missionaries of the Church Miss. Society in East Africa Kisaludini March 14, 1855."

Later life and death

Having almost lost his eyesight for unknown reasons, Rebmann went back to Europe in September 1875.citeweb|url=|title=Late in Rebmann's life|accessmonthday= June 2|accessyear=2007] He did this and returned to Germany for the first time in 29 years after being persuaded by a fellow missionary who was working in the area. He then proceeded to take up residence in Korntal near Stuttgart, where he was close to his old friend Krapf. In Spring 1876, upon the advice of Krapf, he married the widow of another missionary from India, Louise Rebmann née Däuble. The marriage did not last long, since on October 4, 1876, Rebmann died of pneumonia. Encrypted on Rebmann's tombstone in the cemetery of Korntal are the words "Saved in Jesus' Arms".

The legacy that he left behind him is preserved by the Johannes Rebmann Foundation, a religious society devoted to Rebmann and his memory. Rebmann's work in Africa, both as a missionary and as an explorer, allowed for other Europeans to follow in his footsteps.

ee also

*Rebmann Glacier - Glacier named after Rebmann.



* [ Rebmann's dictionary]
* [ Encyclopedia Brittanica]
* [] - primary source of information.
* [ Extensive biography of Rebmann and his work in Africa] - sitemap
*cite book|title=Do' Missionar vo' Deradenga|chapter=|author=Gütl, Clemens|publisher=|pages=|year=2001|id=
*cite book|title=Memoir on the East African Slave trade|chapter=|author=Gütl, Clemens|editor=|publisher=|pages=|year=2002|id= - publication of an unpublished document from 1853.

External links

* [ The Johannes Rebmann Foundation website] - translated into English
* [ Biography - operational area] - Information and a map of Rebmann's area of Missionary operation in Africa

NAME= Rebmann, Johannes
DATE OF BIRTH=January 16, 1820
PLACE OF BIRTH=Gerlingen, Württemberg
DATE OF DEATH=October 4, 1876
PLACE OF DEATH=Stuttgart, Germany

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