- Louis Abelly
Louis Abelly (1603-1691) was
Vicar-General ofBayonne , a parish priest inParis , and subsequentlyBishop of Rodez in 1664, but in 1666 abdicated and attached himself toSt. Vincent de Paul in the House of St. Lazare, Paris (Lazarists ). His ascetical works reveal his deep and sincere piety. He was a bitter foe of theJansenists , chiefly of St. Cyran, against whom he directed his "Life of St. Vincent de Paul", a work whichHurter describes as "full of unction."His "Medulla Theologica" went through many editions, and is characterized by its "solidity, directness, and usefulness." According to
St. Alphonsus , Abelly is "a classic inprobabilism ." His "Défense de la hiérarchie de l'Eglise" was directed against an anonymous Gallican writer. He wrote also twoEnchiridion s, one for bishops, another for priests; a treatise entitled "De l'obéissance et soumission due au Pape"; and another called "Traité des Hérésies". Replying to a Jansenist work known as "Monita Salutaria", he published his "Sentiments des SS. Pères, touchant les excellences et les prérogatives de la T.S. Vierge".References
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