- Kivach Nature Reserve
Kivach is a 104.6 km²
Russian nature reserve located inKondopozhsky District ofRepublic of Karelia , which includes the famous 10.7 mKivach waterfall on theSuna River . The reserve was established in 1931 to study and protect Kareliantaiga . Its area was 20 km² before 1947, when it was extended to 103 km².Flora and fauna
Vascular plants : 569 species, 239 genera, 85 families:Mammals : 48 species:Birds : 197 species:Reptiles : 3 species:Amphibians : 5 species:Fishes : 18 speciesCilmate
:mean July temperature: 17°C:mean January temp: -10.7°C:mean annual precipitation: 619 mm:frost-free period: 104-153 days:mean snowcover by the end of winter: 83 cm (lasts for 143 days on average)
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