- Floyd McKissick, Jr.
Infobox_State Senator
imagesize = 150px
name = Floyd McKissick, Jr.
caption =
state_senate=North Carolina
state=North Carolina
district = 20th
term_start = 2007
term_end = present
preceded =
succeeded = Incumbent
constituency =
majority =
party = Democrat
date of birth =
place of birth =
date of death =
place of death =
spouse =
alma_mater =Clark University ,University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill ,Harvard University ,Duke University
occupation = attorney
residence =
religion =
website =Floyd B. McKissick, Jr. is a
North Carolina attorney who was selected on April 9, 2007 to replace the lateJeanne Hopkins Lucas in theNorth Carolina Senate . He was officially appointed to the Senate by GovernorMike Easley on April 18, 2007.McKissick is the son of the late civil rights activist
Floyd McKissick .Education and Career
Floyd B. McKissick, Jr. specializes in Civil Litigation. His practice areas include
Family Law ,Business Law and Commercial Litigation andLand Use andZoning Law, Contract Disputes, and Administration Law.McKissick received an A.B. Degree in Geography, from
Clark University inWorcester, Massachusetts . He received a Master's Degree in Regional Planning fromUNC-Chapel Hill , specializing in Land Use Planning and Financial Management, and a Master's Degree in Public Administration, fromHarvard University , specializing in Management of State & Local Government and Diplomacy. McKissick received aJuris Doctor Degree from theDuke University School of Law in Durham, North Carolina. McKissick has practiced law since 1983 with a number of law firms, includingDickstein Shapiro in Washington, D.C., and Faison, Brown & Brough in Durham, N.C. McKissick has practiced with McKissick & McKissick since 1990.McKissick, during the course of his career, has represented
Fortune 500 corporations, as well as small businesses, and numerous individuals in a variety of complex matters. He was also certified as a Mediator by the North Carolina Courts in 1995.He co-authored a guide book for the
International Trade Administration in theU.S. Department of Commerce on Attracting Foreign Direct Investment to the United States (1981).He authored an article for the Construction Law Advisor on "When An Owner Can Terminate a Construction Contract Due to Delay" (1984).
Professional Misconduct Charges
In January 2003, McKissick was disciplined by the N.C. State Bar for professional misconduct involving a conflict of interest, receiving a formal reprimand from the bar's grievance committee. The bar found that McKissick improperly represented both sides in a 2000 dispute involving the estate decisions of an elderly man, Thomas Griswell. The conflict between the man and his younger caretaker, Lily Richardson, spawned a civil case, as well as criminal charges of elder abuse against the caretaker. In disciplining McKissick, the state bar cited evidence that McKissick violated his duty to Thomas Griswell by representing Lily Richardson in her claim to Griswell's house and other assets in the civil suit [ [http://www.indyweek.com/gyrobase/Content?oid=21240 Independent Weekly: Floyd McKissick Jr. disciplined by N.C. Bar ] ] .
McKissick has also been charged with malfeasance in his private dealings with local hired workers.
Political & Community Involvement
*Served as Chairman of Triangle J’s Center of the Region Conference
*Former member of the Durham City Board of Adjustment
*Served 4 years as Chairman of City Council's Legislative Committee
*Former Member of the Board of Directors of the N.C. Museum of Life and Science
*Member of the Board of Directors of the N.C. Museum of Life and Science and Member of the Board of Directors of the Triangle Regional Council
*Former member of the Board of Directors of theHayti Heritage Center
*Chairman, Lyon Park Advisory Board
*Former member of the Foreign Trade Zone Board in RTP, N.C.
*President of the St. Regis Homeowners Association, North Topsail Beach, N.C.
*Chairman, Durham County Democratic Party (2005-2007)Appointment to Senate
At the time of his selection by the Durham Democratic Party to fill the vacancy (due to the death of
Jeanne Lucas frombreast cancer ) in District 20 in the state senate, McKissick was the chairman of the Durham County Democratic Party, which raised questions of a conflict of interest in the selection process [ [http://www.indyweek.com/gyrobase/PrintFriendly?oid=oid%3A62764 Independent Weekly: Durham Dems to select Lucas' successor: Questions arise about Floyd McKissick Jr.'s role in the process ] ] .References
External links
* [http://www.legislature.state.nc.us/gascripts/members/viewMember.pl?sChamber=Senate&nUserID=228 North Carolina General Assembly - Senator Floyd McKissick, Jr.] official NC Senate website
* [http://www.votesmart.org/bio.php?can_id=70049 Project Vote Smart - Senator Floyd McKissick, Jr. (NC)] profile
*"Follow the Money" - Floyd McKissick, Jr.
** [http://www.followthemoney.org/database/StateGlance/candidate.phtml?c=99482 2008] campaign contributions
* [http://www.floydmckissick.com/ Mckissick & Mckissick] law practice website
* [http://www.indyweek.com/gyrobase/PrintFriendly?oid=oid%3A62764 "Durham Dems to select Lucas' successor: Questions arise about Floyd McKissick Jr.'s role in the process"] April 4, 2007
* [http://www.newsobserver.com/114/story/562549.html "Dems make Senate choice"] , Jim Wise, "The News Observer", April 10, 2007
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