- Government Hill (Anchorage)
Government Hill is a neighborhood in Northwest Anchorage. It is named for the "hill" it sits on of about 105 ft. bearing the same name. [ [http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/geotech/radaraapg/#GOVERNMENT >Radar Structure of Earthquake-Induced, Coastal Landslides in Anchorage, Alaska - USGS WR CMG ] ] The area is along the
Knik Arm in north Anchorage. It is very ethnically diverse, as well. Many residents work either in downtown Anchorage (which is within walking distance) or theElmendorf Air Force Base to the north. Government Hill is often called the oldest and first Anchorage neighborhood, as some of the first settlers of the area came there. [ [http://www.communitycouncils.org/servlet/content/17.html Government Hill Home ] ] The area was hit hard by the 1964 earthquake, and is a big part of the currentKnik Arm Bridge debate. It contains a shipyard which transfers about 15 million tons of fuel a year, as well as anAlaska Railroad connection. [http://www.wcities.com/en/guide/gen_intro/282/guide.html Anchorage | District Guide| City Guide | WCities Destination Guide ] ]The area was among the hardest hit in Anchorage by the 9.2 scale 1964 earthquake which occurred on
March 27 ,1964 . [ [http://consortiumlibrary.org/archives/Photographs/PhotoExhibits/EarthquakeExhibit.html THE GREAT ALASKA EARTHQUAKE: MARCH 27, 1964 ] ] The local Government Hill Elementary school was destroyed, and 400 feet of the bluff along the Knik Arm collapsed.The local elementary school is Government Hill Elementary, with a membership of 479 students as of the 2005-2006 school year. [http://www.asdk12.org/depts/assess_eval/report_cards/current/230reportcard.pdf] The school has been noted for its bilingual teaching methods using both Spanish and English. [ [http://www.nwrel.org/nwedu/2002f/gift.html The Gift Of Two Languages | Minority Achievement | NW Education ] ]
Government Hill also plays a huge part in the Knik Arm Bridge debate, proposing a highway bridge across the Knik Arm from Anchorage to the Willow-Wasilla area in order to save driving time to the north. Many Government Hill residents oppose the plan since the highway, in many layouts, cuts through their community. [ [http://www.knikarmbridge.com/documents/O03_GHCCComments081205.pdf Microsoft Word - 8-12-05 GHCC KABATA Comments.doc ] ]
ee also
Neighborhoods of Anchorage, Alaska References
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