- European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom & Security
The Commissioner for Justice, Freedom, & Security is the member of the
European Commission . The current commissioner isJacques Barrot ().The position covers such matters as
judicial matters,human rights ,equality laws,immigration control,policing andcitizenship . Some of these aspects however are partly outside theEuropean Community pillar of the Union. "See:Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters ".Current commissioner
Rocco Buttiglione was originally proposed byItaly as Commissioner for Justice, Freedom, & Security. However during his interview with theEuropean Parliament he expressed conservative views regarding women and homosexuality which the Parliament thought incompatible with the portfolio. Buttiglione was eventually withdrawn and Franco Frattini proposed in his place who was approved by the Parliament. Frattini has outlined his key priorities as: fundamental Rights and citizenship; the fight againstterrorism andorganised crime ; immigration and asylum, visa and border issues; closer co-operation between police, judicial andcustoms authorities; ensuring allEU citizen s have the same access to justice; and the Rights of the Child.In February 2006 during the Danish cartoons row he defended the media's freedom of speech, though did express disagreement with subject of the cartoons [ [http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/06/114&format=HTML&aged=1&language=EN&guiLanguage=en Statement by Vice-President Franco Frattini on cartoons published by a Danish newspaper] europa.eu] . November saw the commissioner's concern for child welfare extended to
video games , calling for tougher controls; anything relating to stricter self-regulation to an outright ban [ [http://www.euractiv.com/en/infosociety/violent-video-games-ban-self-regulation/article-159911 ‘Violent’ video games: ban or self-regulation? ] euractiv.com] During that year, the staff of his DG grew to 465, accounting for 16% of the Commission's workload (75% more than any other area).O'Conner, Simon (2007) "Manning Europe's new frontier". E!Sharp magazine (May-June 2007 edition) p.29]At the start of 2007, Frattini backed an Italian push for EU support of a world wide ban on the death penalty. The Commissioner has been pushing for greater cooperation along Europe's borders, in March proposing backing
Frontex with what Frattini describes as an "embryo of what the European coastguard" would be. [ [http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/frattini/news/news_en.htm News] ec.europa.eu] A number of boats and aircraft were promised to Frontex, by July 2007 few have yet arrived. Despite planning to introduce permanent patrols, Frattini was criticised for contributing to the migration situation in Malta; due to the islands position, Malta receives a lot of illegal immigrants attempting to cross to Europe. Although they do not intend to live in Malta, migrants entering the EU need to be processed in the country they enter and Malta does not have the facilities to cope with such large numbers. [Kubosova, Lucia 06/07/07: [http://euobserver.com/9/24431 Malta turning into 'detention centre', warns minister] EU Observer] In April he has called for more powers to be given toEurojust , with the power to initiate prosecutions with aEuropean Public Prosecutor [ [http://euobserver.com/9/23880 Brussels seeks more powers for EU crime body] euobserver.com] . He relaxed visas on the westernBalkan countries signifying closer cooperation with the region [ [http://euobserver.com/9/23875 Balkan travellers to get cheaper EU visas] euobserver.com] , proposed an EU "blue card", based on the US "green card" scheme and has begun a push for common asylum policies [ [http://euobserver.com/9/23893 EU struggling to deal with Iraq refugee problem] euobserver.com] . Following the2007 Glasgow International Airport attack he criticised the handling of Islam by member-states and called for a "European Islam". [Goldirova, Rentata 06/07/07: [http://euobserver.com/9/24436 Brussels questions EU capitals over approach to Islam] EU Observer]List of commissioners
Anita Gradin (of theSweden ) - Santer andMarín Commission s (1995-1999)
*António Vitorino (ofPortugal ) -Prodi Commission (1999-2004)
*Franco Frattini (ofItaly ) -Barroso Commission (2004-2008)
*Jacques Barrot (ofFrance ) -Barroso Commission (2008-incumbent)See also
* Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security
*Schengen Agreement
**Schengen Information System
*Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters
* Charter of Fundamental Rights
** Four Freedoms
** Fundamental Rights Agency
** Court of JusticeExternal links
* [http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/frattini/index_en.htm Commissioner's Website]
* [http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/index_en.htm Commission Justice and Home Affairs Website]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.