

Overminoritization " (oh-ver-mi-nawr-i-tahy-zay-shuhn)" Emerging practice in the field of Human Resource Management where organizations tend to overcompensate for decreasing participation of minority parties in the workforce through exaggerated staffing practices. These staffing practices serve to overpopulate the minority presence thereby normalizing overall staffing composition by ethnicity or reference group by percentages, but eventually creating an organizational imbalance where minority and majority roles are effectively reversed.

"Overminoritization, The Threat and Recent Emergence of," (1993-2006,N=7500, n=237, CI = 98.5%+/-0.003) shows clear and strong negative correlation between organizational effectiveness application of overminoritization in the workplace. Ultimately, this practice transcends the grassroot practices of organizational human resource planning but will only fully be understood and realized through close further analyis and examination of the driving and resulting forces.

Overminoritization can often be found in managerial positions resulting from a cultural avoidance of glass ceiling and cognizant aversion of discriminatory behaviours, resulting in overall decreased validity and reliability of staffing tools.


Critics of this practice refute overminoritization on the grounds of reverse discrimination towards the majority workforce (Ibey, McCluskey, et al., 2007), eventually leading to the need for re-overminoritization of the original populace.

Dr. Guneet Singh, President of the Punjabis Against Negligent Individuals (PUNANI) has been quoted saying...

"This is just another way for the White man to hold us down. We must unite and fight against these shenanigans not only in the workplace but also in all facets of society." - "Annual PUNANI Conference, December 10th 2007, 276 Nelson Convention Centre"

Sir Vinay Malhotra (knighted by her majesty Queen Jasmine the 3rd), newest member Punjabis Against Negligent Individuals (PUNANI) was overheard excitedly commenting:

" ... I now know what people were talking about .. I waited so long to try to get into PUNANI, and now that I have gotten a taste for PUNANI, I can't ever imaging living without it"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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