Jack Hui

Jack Hui

Jack Hui (Chinese: 許子岳; born 1988) is a secondary 7 student from prestigious Queen's College in Hong Kong. He is considered prominent because of medals he has won in International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) and various national and regional mathematics competitions. He was recently accused of sexually assaulting an airline hostess and is currently on bail pending his trial which is scheduled for September 28th 2007.Fact|date=July 2007

Maths awards

Hui's talent in mathematics won him many medals and awards in different competitions. In 2003, he participated in the Asia Inter-cities Teenagers Mathematics Invitation Competition, which was held in Fuzhou, Fujian, China, representing Hong Kong. His team won the junior secondary team and group event in which Hong Kong competed. [ [http://www.hkmos.org/comcn/asian2003/index.html Asia Inter-cities Teenagers Mathematics Invitation Competition] , Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad School] He was successful in science competition too, winning the first class award in the individual event in the Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2004. [ [http://www.qc.edu.hk/about/schoolreportchin0405.pdf School Report 04-05] , Queen's College, Hong Kong] In 2005, besides winning a bronze medal in China Mathematics Olympiad (CMO), [ [http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200501/27/0127199.htm 香港學生在「中國數學奧林匹克」勇奪八面銅牌] , [http://www.info.gov.hk info.gov.hk] , Government of Hong Kong, 2005-01-27] he was successful in the 46th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in Mérida, Mexico, capturing a silver medal. [ [http://gifted.hkedcity.net/Gifted/ActReview/imo2005Mexico/index.html 香港學生參加第四十六屆國際數學奧林匹克] , Support Measures for the Exceptionally Gifted Students Scheme, Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong]

In 2006, he claimed the bronze medal again in the China Mathematics Olympiad (CMO). [ [http://news.gov.hk/tc/category/atschool/060118/html/060118tc02001.htm 港生中國數學奧林匹克奪六獎] , [http://news.gov.hk news.gov.hk] , Government of Hong Kong, 2006-01-18] [ [http://www.wenweipo.com/news.phtml?news_id=HK0601190059&cat=003HK 06中國數學奧林匹克本港獲獎名單] , Wen Wei Po, 2006-01-19] In March, he won another bronze in the Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad (APMO) 2006. [ [http://www.lamwoo.edu.hk/achievement/2006-06-06_apmo2006.php Excellent performance in "2006亞太區數學奧林匹克" (APMO 2006)] , SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School] Finally, he won another silver medal in the 2006 IMO, this time in Ljubljana, Slovenia. [ [http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200607/19/P200607190107.htm 香港學生於國際數學奧林匹克比賽再創佳績] , [http://www.info.gov.hk info.gov.hk] , Government of Hong Kong, 2006-07-19] [ [http://hk.news.yahoo.com/060719/12/1q9cl.html 港學生在國際數學賽創佳績] , Ming Pao, 2006-07-19] [ [http://www.singtao.com/index_archive.asp?d_str=20060719&htmlpage=instantnews_locfrontpage.html&news=20060719a182656.asp 國際奧數賽港生奪1金3銀2銅 (本地)] , Sing Tao Daily, 2006-07-19]

ex crime accusation

Hui's reputation was tainted by an incident that allegedly occurred on January 2, 2007. He was accused of indecently assaulting an air hostess dressed in her uniform on board an airport bus on theA10 route. The prosecution alleged that he fondled the thigh of the air hostess deliberately. Hui pleaded not guilty in the first trial on January 12, 2007 and the judge granted a request to delay the trial so that Hui could sit for the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination. [ [http://the-sun.orisun.com/channels/news/20070113/20070113015618_0000.html 皇仁資優生涉摸空姐] , The Sun Daily, Hong Kong, 2007-01-13] [中七數學天才否認非禮空姐, Sing Tao Daily, 2007-01-13]

His case sparked controversy because of his prominence and his frequent appearance on local mass media. His second trial was scheduled to begin on May 14, 2007.


ee also

* Queen's College, Hong Kong
* International Mathematical Olympiad
* Indecent assault

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