International Masonic Union Catena

International Masonic Union Catena

The International Masonic Union Catena is an international organization of Masonic organizations. The organizations involved are considered irregular by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and most other Anglo-Saxon Grand Lodges.


The organization was created in 1961 by the Nederlandse Grootloge der Gemengde Vrijmetsalerij, Humanitas – Freimaurergroßloge für Frauen und Männer in Deutschland and Österreichischer Universaler Freimaurerorden - Humanitas. It is only for mixed masonic organizations.

The Catena is open only to lodges that acknowledge a Supreme Being (Great Architect of the Universe). [ [ AT A PERPETUAL DISTANCE: LIBERAL AND ADOGMATIC GRAND LODGES] , Tony Pope, Pietre Stones Review of Freemasonry]


Present members

* Humanitas – Freimaurergroßloge für Frauen und Männer in Deutschland (Germany)
* Österreichischer Universaler Freimaurerorden - Humanitas (Austria)
* Jus Humanum Suecia (Sweden)
* Order of the Ancient Free Masonry for Men and Women (United Kingdom)
* Grande Loja Arquitetos de Aquario (Brasil)
* Tsjechischer Universaler Freimaurerorden - Humanitas (Tshechia)
* Groupement Maconnique de Loges Mixtes et Indépendentes (France)

Former members

* Nederlandse Grootloge der Gemengde Vrijmetsalerij

ee also

* Grand Orient of Belgium
* Grande Loge Nationale Française
* International Secretariat of the Masonic Adogmatic Powers
* Regular Masonic jurisdictions


* [ International Masonic Union Catena]
* [ Gemischte Freimaurerlogen] (German)
* Henderson, Kent & Pope, Tony: Freemasonry Universal, 2 vols, Global Masonic Publications, Melbourne 1998, 2000, vol 2 p 6.


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