John Neville — (* 2. Mai 1925 in London, Großbritannien; † 19. November 2011 in Toronto, Ontario[1]) war ein britisch kanadischer Schauspieler im Film, Fernsehen und Theater. Neville studierte Schauspiel an der Royal Academy of Dramatic Art und debütierte in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
John Neville — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie différentes personnes partageant un même nom. John Neville ou John Nevill peut se référer à plusieurs personnes : John Neville, plusieurs membres de la famille Neville ; John Neville (v. 1330… … Wikipédia en Français
John Neville, 1st Marquess of Montagu — John Neville, 1st Marquess of Montagu, alias John Mortimer, called the Captain of Kent (c. 1431 ndash; April 14, 1471) was a Yorkist leader in the Wars of the Roses, best known for eliminating Lancastrian resistance in the north of England during … Wikipedia
John Neville, 3rd Baron Neville de Raby — (1328 ndash; 17 October 1388) was born at Castle Raby, County Durham, England to Ralph Neville, 2nd Baron Neville de Raby and Alice de Audley. He fought in the Battle of Neville s Cross on (17 October, 1346) as a Captain in his father s division … Wikipedia
John Neville Keynes — (né le 31 août 1852 et décédé le 15 novembre 1949) était un économiste britannique. Maitre de conférences à l Université de Cambridge, il y enseigna la logique et l économie politique. Il fut connu en son temps pour son anticonformisme. Sommaire… … Wikipédia en Français
John Neville, 1st Baron Neville de Raby — (c. 1410 ndash; 29 March 1461), was an English nobleman and soldier.The younger son of Sir John Neville, Lord Neville and Elizabeth Holland. Sometime after 1451, he married Anne Holland, daughter of John Holland, 2nd Duke of Exeter and his nephew … Wikipedia
John Neville Keynes — [keɪnz] (* 31. August 1852 in Salisbury; † 15. November 1949 in Cambridge) war ein britischer Ökonom und Logiker und Vater von John Maynard Keynes. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk … Deutsch Wikipedia
John Neville (general) — John Neville (July 27, 1731 ndash; July 29, 1803) was an American military officer, land speculator, and state official who served in the American Revolutionary War and, as a tax collector, was a central figure in the Whiskey Rebellion. Born in… … Wikipedia
John Neville Keynes — (31 August 1852 15 November 1949) was a British economist and father of John Maynard Keynes. Biography Born in Salisbury, he was the son of Dr John Keynes and his wife Anna Maynard Neville. He was educated at Amersham Hall School, University… … Wikipedia
John Neville Wheeler — John Neville Jack Wheeler (April 11, 1886 October 13, 1973) was an American newspaperman, publishing executive, magazine editor, and author. He was born in Yonkers, New York, graduated Columbia University (which holds a collection of his papers) … Wikipedia