- Adriatica
The History of Adria & Adriatica as watch trade marks for Swiss Watches is closely associated with the
Belle Epoque period through theMontilier Watch Co , established in 1852 inMontilier , close toMorat /Murten , at the foot of theWatch Valley , Switzerland.During and after World War 2, the brands remained dormant, until 1949. As from 1962, two associated watch companies, established in
Biel/Bienne &Basel , took over the manufacturing & marketing of Adria & Adriatica watches in partnership, designing mainly classical round pink gold-plated ladies’ & some gent’s models, with the adjunction of a special model called "Adriatica World Champion".Both brands, especially Adriatica, flourished in the Scandinavian countries, especially in
Finland . Adriatica watches started being increasingly imported discreetly intoPoland by seafaring people and distributed there and in many of the other, then “communist” countries, building the base of today’s distribution of the brand in the Eastern part of Europe.Hence, in 1989, foreseeing the opening of trade, today's owning family decided to take over the brands and develop them as manufacturers and distributors. Since the beginning exclusively
Swiss Made , Adriatica watches have been since 1998 manufactured in their own watch company,PR & A Watch Sagl , inDongio , in the watch making area ofTicino , the Italian speaking part ofSwitzerland .The name originates from the Etruscan city of
Atria (orAdria that also gave its name at a much earlier period to theAdriatic Sea . It has not yet been clearly established as from when the company started dedicating the names of their watches to that enchanted area, but it is generally admitted that it was at some time earlier than 1931.Adriatica is a full fledged member of the
Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH .External links
* [http://www.prawatches.ch// Adriatica Swiss Watches Official Website]
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