

French commune
name= Auxi-le-Château
maire=Henri Dejonghe
alt moy=34 m
alt mini=25
alt maxi=138 m

Auxi-le-Château is a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in northern France.


A farming town located 28 miles (45km) northwest of Arras at the junction of the D938, D933 and D941 roads. The Authie river flows through the town, which once divided the commune into two parts, one in the Pas-de-Calais and the other in the Somme department. It is so named because it was a border fort, but there is now no sign of a castle, apart from some ruins at the top of the Chemin de la Belle Inutile.


Places of interest

* The neo-Gothic Town Hall.
* The ruins of a 12th century castle.
* 17th and 18th century houses.
* Watermills.
* The Museum of Arts and Folklife, in a former rectory.
* The neo-Gothic church of St.Martin, dating from the 15th century.
* Two 19th century chapels.

See also

* Communes of the Pas-de-Calais department


*"This article is based on the original and the equivalent article from the French Wikipedia."

External links

* [ Official town website] fr
* [ Auxi-le-Château on the Insee website] fr
* [âteau Auxi-le-Château on the Quid website] fr

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