- Greywacke
Greywacke (German "grauwacke", signifying a grey, earthy rock) is a variety of
sandstone generally characterized by its hardness, dark color, and poorly-sorted, angular grains ofquartz ,feldspar , and small rock fragments set in a compact,clay -fine matrix. It is a texturally-immaturesedimentary rock generally found inPalaeozoic strata. The larger grains can be sand-to-gravel-sized, and matrix materials generally constitute more than 15% of the rock by volume.The origin of greywacke was problematic prior to the understanding of
turbidity current s andturbidite s since, according to the normal laws ofsedimentation ,gravel ,sand andmud should not be laid down together. Currentlygeologist s attribute its formation to submarineavalanche s or strong turbidity currents. These actions churnsediment and cause mixed-sediment slurries to occur. When this is the case, the rocks may exhibit a variety of sedimentary features. Support for the turbidity current origin is the fact that deposits of greywacke are found on the edges of the continental shelves, at the bottoms ofoceanic trench es, and at the bases of mountain formational areas. It also occurs in association with blackshale s of deep sea origin.Greywackes are mostly grey, brown, yellow or black, dull-colored, sandy rocks which may occur in thick or thin beds along with
slate s andlimestone s. They are abundant inWales , the south ofScotland , the Longford Massif inIreland and the Lake District National Park ofEngland , and compose the majority of the main alps that make up the back bone ofNew Zealand . They can contain a very great variety ofmineral s, the principal ones being quartz,orthoclase andplagioclase feldspars,calcite ,iron oxide s and graphitic, carbonaceous matters, together with (in the coarser kinds) fragments of such rocks asfelsite ,chert ,slate ,gneiss , variousschist s, andquartzite . Among other minerals found in them arebiotite and chlorite,tourmaline ,epidote ,apatite ,garnet ,hornblende andaugite ,sphene ,pyrite s. The cementing material may be siliceous or argillaceous, and is sometimes calcareous.As a rule greywackes are not
fossil iferous, but organic remains may be common in the finer beds associated with them. Their component particles are usually not very rounded or polished, and the rocks have often been considerably indurated byrecrystallization , such as the introduction of interstitialsilica . In some districts the greywackes are cleaved, but they show phenomena of this kind much less perfectly than the slates. Some varieties include "feldspathic greywacke", which is rich in feldspar, and "lithic greywacke", which is rich in tiny rock fragments.Although the group is so diverse that it is difficult to characterize mineralogically, it has a well-established place in petrographical classifications because these peculiar composite arenaceous deposits are very frequent among
Silurian andCambrian rocks, and are less common inMesozoic orCenozoic strata.Fact|date=August 2007 Their essential features are their gritty character and their complex composition. By increasingmetamorphism , greywackes frequently pass into mica-schist s, chloritic schists and sedimentarygneiss es.External links
* [http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/geology_revision/greywacke.html Greywacke images]
* [http://www.nps.gov/prsf/geology/graywack.htm NPS site Presidio]
* [http://www.marin.cc.ca.us/~jim/ring/rgrey.html Franciscan Greywacke/Shales]References
This Wikipedia page in other languages
* [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grovacca Italian: Grovacca]
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