D. A. Pandu Memorial R. V. Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore

D. A. Pandu Memorial R. V. Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore

D. A. Pandu Memorial R. V. Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore was established in 1992 first affiliated to Bangalore University and now to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, approved and recognized by the Dental Council of India. It is located in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

The college is equipped with the latest equipment to treat dental and oral diseases. The D.A. Pandu Memorial R.V. Dental College has strong faculty in all the branches of dentistry with experienced staff members in all the faculties.

The College offers a 5-year Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) course, which includes one year of compulsory rotatory internship. At presentwhen the college is imparting training in BDS degree (Bachelor of Dental Surgery).

The College has started postgraduate course in 8 specialties of Dentistry from the academic year 2003-2004.

The College has taken up massive work in the field of Community Dental Programme in rural areas. The detail of this is furnished. Our institution is the first to have Mobile Dental Van in Bangalore city. The equipment have been donated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, USA. The objective of this programme is to expose the students to work in rural setup of our country, so that they will be able to work in rural areas after graduation. The institution countries & in this direction the institution has arranged a number of CME programs, Lectures & Workshops by National & International Speakers which has enabled the students and faculty to acquaint themselves with the recent advances.

The Library of the college is well equippedfact|date=September 2008 with books and periodicals, Photocopying, Scanning & Printing facilities. The facility to browse the Internet is also available. Computers have been provided in all the departments. These computers have been interconnected over a LAN (Local Area Network).

The faculty members of this institution have presented papers in National & International conferences & also published in Journals. The Institution has completed research projects including one sponsored by UNICEF / DRDO.

The Trust has committed to make this institution a model-training centre in the filed of Community Oral health Programme, so that, the health workers, professionals from all over the world can utilize the services and interact with local health professionals for the benefit of Humanity.

Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust

The Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust that manages the college, was established in the year 1940 by Sri M. C. Shivanada Sarma, a mighty man of miraclesfact|date=September 2008 who came from a small village near Mysore & established a primary school with only 6 students in this city of Bangalore. He approached a number of philanthropists and merchants, with whose donations he started building R.V. Institutions.

The following institutions are run & managed by the Trust under the ablefact|date=September 2008 guidance of Sri. M. K. Panduranga Setty, a leading industrialist of Karnataka & also the Rotary International Director & a team of dedicated trustees, the trust has been rendering a yeoman service in the field of education. The philosophy of the Trust is "Excellence in Education and Service to Humanity"

*R.V. Sishu Vihar
*R.V. Higher Primary School
*R.V. Integrated School for the Disabled
*R.V. High School
*R.V. Girls High School
*NMKRV PU College for Women
*NMKRV College for Women Including PG Dept.
*SSMRV Pre-University College
*SSMRV Degree College
*R.V. Teachers College - Institute of Advanced Studies in Education
*R.V. Teachers Training Institute
*D.A. Pandu Memorial R.V. Dental College & Hospital
*R.V. College of Engineering
*R.V. Centre for Manufacturing Research & Technology Utilisation
*R.V. Institute of Sanskrit & Gandhian Studies
*Shashwathi - A Women's Heritage Museum
*R.V. Educational Consortium
*R.V. Health Centre
*R.V. Institute for Social Service & Skill Promotion
*R.V. - TIFAC Composites Design Centre
*R.V. Public School (ICSE)
*R.V. Institute of Management
*Foundation for Clean Energy & Environment
*R.V. College of Nursing
*R.V. College of Physiotherapy

Courses offered

Undergraduate Courses

"Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.)" affiliated to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, and Karnataka. Recognised by the Dental Council of India and the Government of India vide Notification Nos. V.12018/30/2001-PMS dtd.09.08.2002 with an intake of 40 students.

However, from the academic year 2005-2006, an intake of 60 students has been permitted to the institute by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore due to the institute's continuous & never ending pursuit for excellencefact|date=September 2008 since the past.

Post Graduate Courses

"Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S.)" in the following specialties:

*Oral Medicine and Radiology
*Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
*Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge
*Community Dentistry
*Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
*Orthodontics and Dentifacial Orthopedics
*Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry

College Library

The college library is well equipped with books, periodicals, photocopying, scanning and printing facilities. The computer in the college and library are under local area network and also have tie-up with the digital library of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka. We also possess institutional membership with British library. It is proposedwhen to have a state -of-the-art library for Post Graduate Students.

Curriculum for Undergraduate Course Programme


*General Human Anatomy including Embryology and Histology
*General Human Physiology and Biochemisry.
*Dental Materials


*General Pathology and Microbiology
*General and Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
*Human Oral Anatomy including Embryology and Histology.
*Pre- Clinical Prothodontics
*Pre-Clinical Conservative Dentistry.


*General Medicine.
*General Surgery.
*Oral Pathology and Microbiology.
*Preventive and Community Dentistry


*Oral Medicine and Radiology.
*Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge
*Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
*Oral and Maxillo - Facial Surgery

Extra Curricular Activities

*Students have participated in NSS Activities, Blood Donation Camps, Quiz Competitions & Inter-Dental Sports Meet.

*In the recently concluded Inter-Dental Collegiate Sports Meet “FERVOR -2007”, the College team won the Gold Medal for Volley Ball & Silver Medal for Discuss Throw at SAI Complex, Bangalore.

*College has successfully Hosted “KALASHRUNGA”, an intercollegiate cultural event jointly organized by R.G.U.H.S, December 2007.

*The 100th C.D.E. Program titled “Predictable Smile Design” was organized and conducted in October 2007

*The CAMHADD/CTPHCF workshop in association with WHO, held on 17th & 18th December 2007.

Research Projects

*Perceptions & Risks & Benefits involved in smoking & quitting among young adults: A Cross country comparission & a five country multicentric study. September 2006 to September 2007. In Progress. $3000 Funding from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of public health, Institute of Global Tobacco Control.

*Characteristrics of leading brands/varieties of tobacco products in India, February to May 2007.TTURC Developmental Research program: International tobacco product Repository & Analysis Program. A U.S National institutes of health P50 Tran Disciplinary tobacco use research center based at Rosewell park providing primary support for the international tobacco control policy evaluation project, Rosewell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York, 14263, USA. $3500 Funding.

*Joint Project with institute of aviation medicine on the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy(HBO) on accelerated bone regeneration.

*Joint Project with department of molecular reproduction, development & genetics, ISS a)TGF- Beta expression in OSMF & Oral Cancer , b) Micro array expression on OSMF &Oral Cancer.

Continuing Dental Education Programs

A Total of 100 CDE Programs have been conducted by the institution till date.Service Activities:

*Dept. of Community Dentistry

Total Number of Community Dental Camps: 150

Total No. of Patients : 11,932

*Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive DentistryHealth promoting School Project in Association with TVS motor Co.Ltd.

Areas Covered,

"In Karnataka"

*Mysore (Total Children Treated : 1,300)

"In Tamil Nadu"

*Hosur (Total Children Treated : 4,500)
*Vellore (Total Children Treated : 3,000)
*Nava Tirupati (Total Children Treated : 5,500)
*Thirukkurungudi (Total Children Treated : 4,000)

Research Works / Projects Undertaken

*Project on "Dental Health Education for School Children" sponsored by UNICEF in collaboration with Zilla Panchayat, Mysore.
*Project work on "Study of Periodical Tissues" sponsored by Dabur Pharmaceuticals.

*Project on "Hepatitis B screening in Dental students" - Medical Research Foundation of Bangalore.

*"National Oral Health Survey and Fluoride Mapping" - A Dental Council of India and Ministry of Health Project.

*Project on "Clinical Trial of Indigenous Implants" developed by Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) in progress.

*A joint project with the Department of Molecular Reproduction Development and Genetics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on "TGF-b and Gene Mapping in Oral Sub mucous Fibrosis and Oral Cancer" - Has been initiated and is in progress.

*Project on "Preventive Health Care with special reference to Bangalore Urban Poor", in concert with CAMHADD (Common Wealth Association of Handicap and Development Disability) and BMP (Bangalore Mahanagara Palike) has been initiated and is in progress.

*Proposed collaboration with Department of Oral Medicine, New York University, New York. and Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, on "Comprehensive Oral Health Programme -A Village Adoption Project".

External links

Website: http://www.rvdentalcollege.org

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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